
Can we add Ik to metarig or do something with rigify ?? Can you make a simple video or how we can do thath not on octopus :wink:

Untill you press this button,yes
just need to remove unnecessary bones

You can take face rig from there, and this is a good topic for the next video

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thank you, very useful

Another nice animation tool set for Blender, thank you.


Awesome add-on - PROPS!

As someone who mostly models sci-fi stuff, (but would also love to model and animate cartoon characters / memes), this add-on certainly makes setup and animating look quick and easy!


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I was so ready to click the buy button until I read that it is not for 2.79b.

I shall look upon all those who use this Iā€™m 2.8 with jealousy, this is an amazing plugin !


Donā€™t worry ,2.8 will become an industry standard soon :innocent:

I really dig the scripts u guys come up with. This makes rigging so much easier. Great work!!!

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Any way to dynamically define chains to work hierarchically?

I will buy this plugin somedayā€¦maybe not todayā€¦but somethingā€¦you are a genius !

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Try to select object/bones that should have hierarchy,then pick the active one and hit Set pose parent from pie menu.Active bone/object will be the root of the hierarchy.

Good to know, the only kind of rigging Iā€™ve ever done is in Maya and hands were always trouble.

Ah I see that now lol

I bought the addon! Looking forward to giving it ago. Is there a trello board or something for future plans?

I planned to use this topic for announcement/communication/etc.,so you can find current development plan in the first post

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Ah I scrolled right passed it :stuck_out_tongue:

This looked good but name appears to be intentionally misleading.
Squid-IK, Full-IK, Dyna-IK; plenty of other relevant IK names to use that is also accurate to the product.
I wanted to try it but I donā€™t have money and the price is still a big ask (for my pocket).

Iā€™ve also been burnt on paid addons that turned out to be useless for my actual usage.

Which is why I have to "ask" you a bunch of things instead of just going and figure it out myself (which is my preference)

  • What does this do from a technical standpoint?
    • I do lots of bpy, so I wanted to look at the code before actually trying to run it but thatā€™s not an option available to me.
    • I was mostly under the impression that it used a function in a handler to continuously transform bones for the desired effect, like Jiggle Armature does.
      But then I noticed when initialized, constraints are added to the bones.
    • What purpose would those constraints serve, and how significant were they.
      Iā€™m left to completely speculate based on numerous possibilities.
  • What about beyond/without the addon?
    • I send my animation files to someone else for their own external usage. They already hate having to download Blender to view the files, worrying about them also having a required addon running is too much.
    • Even if they had it, how does disabling the system work. Can you bake an animation without altering anything (remove pins/constraints/whatever).
  • How does keyframe insertion work?
    • One of your documentation sections said something about a "second" rotation and then you suggested people use your free keying set addon.
    • You seem to manually insert keyframes for these demos however I ALWAYS use auto-keyframing when animating.

  • Would you be willing to make a trade for this?
    • Essentially my offer is you give me this for 0 moneys and I make it backwards compatible with 2.7 for you.
    • Iā€™ve done a lot of cross-version setup for my things, so the way I see it, the reason itā€™s not cross-version is one of two reasons:
      1. You donā€™t feel itā€™s worth the time/effort
      2. You do some particularly tricky or very specific things that arenā€™t technically possible in 2.7
    • If itā€™s the second, then obviously there would be nothing for me to do.
    • However if itā€™s the first, then that just leaves whether or not itā€™s worth giving the addon away to someone, to have it supported.
      • The way I do my code, is setup just like 2.7 but everything is initial tested in and for 2.8. After theyā€™re verified to work, I simply re-test in 2.7, and only alternate at very specific points for the difference in the versions.
      • So, basically the code would work interchangeably between versions, and sections that specifically differ between versions would be easy to find.

If you decline my request, then these questions should suffice enough for me to ask other questions, with a clearer understanding.

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I can answer that the rig has a bake function but I havenā€™t really used the rig that much to answer some of those other questions.

Yes,you are right :innocent:

Wellā€¦yes :relieved:
It called FREEIK but it is paid and constrainedā€¦i see some irony in this fact :grin:

Constraints are the crucial part of the addon,which allows to manipulate bones more freely while payments gives me more free time to work on the addon. :innocent:

You are right,main logic is in the handlers.
Constraints on bones are needed to remove some glitches and slightly increase performance.

You can bake animation into action and temporarily disable rig ,after this your animation will work in any Blender without any extra addons,then you can switch to original action,enable rig and continue editing animation.
Also you can turn rig into basic armature and export wherever you want.

Yes, auto-keyframing isnā€™t working.Sorry,i forget to mention this in manual,iā€™ll fix this soon.
Blender ignores active keying set and always insert keyframes using LocRotScale set.It seems to be a bit strange so maybe it will be changed in future releases of Blender.

Since you only use auto-keyframing,you just donā€™t need this addon now.
But even if you do,iā€™m not sure is it possible to port it to 2.7.

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I think you started blurring this sentence, in consideration for the next reply :woozy_face:

There are very few ā€œfunctionalā€ limitations between the versions.
If you remove UI things, the only absolute incompatibility would be the Armature constraint, which is essentially a constraint using a stack of additive constraints.

If a function doesnā€™t exist directly in 2.7, for example, a similar function can almost certainly be created as an alternative.

Outside of specific UI restrictions and the Armature constraint, I am certain that any code for 2.8 can be adapted to 2.7, provided someone is willing to do it. The only reason I canā€™t 100% guarantee this, is because Iā€™ve not bothered to prove it on every single 2.8 code Iā€™ve seen.

As such, I maintain the only factor here is whether or not you believe itā€™s worth having it done.


Are you not aware of this button?
I mean sure, itā€™s in a slightly different location but so is the keying set menu :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Which constraints?
I assume youā€™re saying the addon poses the bones, just like the objects, except you next use constraints (specifically in bones), rather than do an additional automated-transform step, to fix the bonesā€™ result.