Freestyle for Blender

T.K., and everybody else…
I had not tested this build (31507) for the Freestyle function, sorry, just made sure that it “launched,” with the intent to get back later. I do not know what is intended with this build. I just pulled down the SVN 31525, no change, so I will await his update, but this build doesn’t seem to be useful for Freestyle… sorry all, I am just a “humble builder” so I can’t fix it myself.
Fun to see your efforts. Part of my usual practice is to delete the default cube, switch the selection to left button, with the 3D cursor on the right button. I usually do this after I post the build so everybody can do there own customizing, but in this case I slipped up and posted it with the customizations.

NRK and Paul,
Thanks for the problem report. The missing Freestyle toggle button in the Post Processing tab
was due to inconsistency in a recent commit. I have just committed a fix for the problem in
revision 31535. Very nice render NRK, btw. How did you do the clouds?

Clouds done by subdividing a plane, then applying displace modifier with a cloud texture, shadows with ambient occlusion… voila… really simple. Thanks so much for all your hard work:)

T.K. thank you for the quick response. I have updated my builds (31536) and checked them both (Linux64 & Win32) before uploading. All is well, so back to the rendering.



Hey guys, I was wondering, is Freestyle going to finally merge with Blender any time soon? I mean officially. There’s is so much updates since I last checked. If someone has time, could you tell me if there’s still missing features or just correcting bugs already?

I wish it could be finished and integrated with the final release of Blender 2.5 or 2.6 whatever the number will be.

I would be really awesome.

Sorry to bother with such questions.

Soro, I don’t think so. IMHO there are no new features planed to include in the 2.6.
Let the Devs finish up a stable base to build later new features on. Than the 2.7 will be “the new features build”. There are so many GSoC, Renderbranch, experimental versions (BMesh …), that the 2.7 will blow our minds next year. :wink:

so i finally found stable version of freestyle that worked with my model XD
thanks paul for the r31649 ^^

here some renders to compare blender toonshader + edges with freestyle shadeless plus outlines

/uploads/default/original/3X/4/b/4b05af67e4ded301224a37f7b147752444e1cc43.jpgstc=1&thumb=1&d=1283186660 /uploads/default/original/3X/6/5/65c6bc6bd5b1fa1c75e840a8cb7b5b3ff574e0ff.jpgstc=1&thumb=1&d=1283186660


very cute!

Everybody hope to see dreestyle in an official release, I think much more people would be playing with it :slight_smile:

What’s the current state of freestyle anyway? Nearing completion?

The user interface and everything is FANTASTIC! It even works fairly stable now, all of my scenes that crashed it work now. As far as I know the curves button allowing artist tweaking of the flow of a stroke is still not coded and this would be a nice addition. It would be nice if freestyle were multithreaded(as the developer has wished), there’s always more to do of course, but as far as I’m concerned it’s getting REALLY close and worthy of release. Thanks again to all working on this project:) You guys are awesome!

the new build I just got for OSX 64bit is great, thanks TK!

So a bit of off topic, but at least there aren’t any news from Jahka new particle system or bmesh, so those ain’t going to be integrated on 2.6 yet?

A bit disappointing, but I understand as this development has been taking a long time to finish.

But I really thought at least, particles, bmesh and new render and sculpt was part of 2.6.

Guess we just have to wait a bit longer.

Sorry for the off topic

Dude, that’s way, way off topic…

But no, there won’t be any new fancy stuff until after a stable 2.5/6 release because they have a feature freeze in effect until then.

Soro and FreeMind,
My understanding about the release targets is the following:
The 2.5x series aims to stabilize the software for professional production use.
Any addition not related to this target will be postponed until the beginning of the 2.6x series.

Concerning the current status of the Freestyle branch:
My initial plan as of last December was to address instability issues, recover missing features, and add a few new features.

Since then, most instability issues were fixed and some of the missing features were recovered. In the meantime, we got an increasing amount of requests on an artist-friendly graphical user interface (GUI). Therefore, the final targets toward the merge into the trunk were redefined in June.

At the moment, the new GUI is in an early stage of development, deserving a lot of work on it. The other targets (i.e., feature edge detection at intersection of two faces, and completion of Python API improvements) will also take time. It is unlikely that all these targets are achieved in a short time.

Very nice renders, look like vectorial illustration. Thank you for sharing them with the rest of us!

Thank you for the report about the stability. I really appreciate it.

thankyou TK :slight_smile:

Good to hear :slight_smile: I really hope to use this, I’ve had no luck using builds. :stuck_out_tongue: I was hoping it would come with Blender 2.5 :frowning:

a couple questions

  1. Will collision lines be implemented in the future. it’s awkward to get around this. (if t’s available please correct me)

  2. Will it ever be possible to connect different linesets to objects via a modifier or something? (so different objects can have different lines without multiple renderlayers, and also if collision lines are to be implemented, it would allow objects with different linesets to collide and draw the lines.)

  3. Will the chacteristics become animatable in the future, in paticular the color, stroke, and distortion qualities?

2 & 3 are both possible when using ‘Python Scripting Mode’, with trivial examples done several pages back.

Doing them with the ‘Parameter Editor’ is going to require more development.

If you mean by collision lines those edges at intersection of two faces, yes, adding
support for the edges at face intersection is part of the development plan before the
merge into the trunk. See the latest to-do list in the Freestyle blog.

Allowing users to select objects to draw strokes on them is also part of my initial
plan for the new GUI. The implementation of this feature has been postponed due to
a technical reason. I hope I have time to do the implementation.

One of the goals of the new GUI development is to go along with the design principle
of “making all properties animatable” in Blender 2.5. Some of the properties in the
Parameter Editor mode should be already animatable, while the others are not at the
moment. This is not intentional and I look into the issue as soon as possible.
