I’m having trouble getting the Fresnel reflection correctly. Help please.
I can’t see a problem. ?
Set IOR to 1.4.
If IOR is greater than 1, there is no sharp reflection.
An IOR of 1 is vacuum. All natural materials will have a higher value than that. 1.4 - 1.5 is often used because that covers most materials.
Thanks guys, I’m confused. The specular in Principled DSDF is similar to Fresnel. It seems Blender Render has Blinn, Phong, and other shaders have specular highlight. Why not in Blender Cycles
The specular models in Blender render are approximations.
Cycles is a physically based renderer. As such, highlights are based on the material settings as well as the environment it’s reflecting. A “highlight” is really just a reflection of a light source. It’s sharpness is determined by the object’s roughness. It’s falloff by the specularity.
Plus the Fresnel node doesn’t work correctly from what I remember. Use principled shader or layer weight node.