Hi everyone I’m happy that I finally finish my artwork and share it with you I used zbrush for sculpting and detailing and substance painter and blender 3.4 for the assets/retopo/uv/rendering/composting and bagapie for the grass assets. cheers and thanks for watching.
Very cool!
you can also check the artwork here https://www.artstation.com/artwork/5BNVqE
because for some reason the image resolution been decreased here.
Cudos, that looks amazing!
Very nice, I like Frogs. Very good render, materials and textures are perfect
At some point I will base a D&D charakter on this, haha! Awesome work!
Excellent work.
The bow, however, hurts my eyes, as someone who makes traditional longbows.
sorry for that but I didn’t find a good and easy concept so I made like that xD
Excellent ! I love the concept !
Good job =)
Hi everyone,
Here is the “Behind the Scenes” article of this incredible artwork!
Do check this article written by the artist himself. It describes the process of making the artwork step by step with an insight on character-designing in Blender.
Alina Khan
Editor at Blender Nation | LinkedIn
Super cool!