From complex topographic map to mesh

Hello there,
Sorry if the solution already exists but I’ve been struggling on this one for hours and nothing I tested proved to work.

So, I have a bunch of topographic level curves from a DWG file ( I converted it to DXF and imported it to Blender). I converted that to a mesh in order to put a skin on it, following the curves.

First I tried to use Bridge Edge Loops, which isn’t accurate at all and lacks settings so I can adjust it as I want. I also tried a script called Point Cloud Skinner, also not very efficient.

I would like to try and use a vertical displace modifier on a plane to reach the curves point by point, or maybe a method with a boolean… but I’m stuck. How would you proceed ?

You can try this quick and dirty trick and use a skin and remesh modifier, and tweak the values vertex radius and resolution.


It would be some work, but if you enable Curve Tools addon ( included) you can use the Loft function between curves…

It might need to have the same amount of vertices between each loft set though, so check the Docs and see…

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It looks like you need surface reconstruction for this, try MeshLab.


You may even look into BlenderGIS ??

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I think you are right…I always forget about Meshlab, as I find it a challenging program to work with… but a bit of trial and error should get it!

Nice of you to step in !
Happy Blending!

even with the GIS add on
depends how many verts you got but it can take time to complete the face filling !
so be patient !

good luck
happy bl

Possibly something like in this post from yesterday…

It is unfinished work, but the poster says they will be sharing the final result for free. Try communicating with the OP.