front background picture in 2.6 latest built ?

how can you see background pic in latest built

i loaded a pic but don’t see it

and why do we see the file’s name twice ?

happy 25.

You have not selected the tickbox to the left of ‘Background Images’
You have two names, the bottom one is the file name, the top one is the name you want to call the image. Your image may be called “675683746238.jpg” but you may want to call it a more logical name of “front view”

Well in that screenshot you did forget to check the “Background Images” box, but I’m assuming you figured that out eventually and it still didn’t work :slight_smile: In that case I can’t help you, it looks fine when compared to my settings in 2.56a, so maybe it’s a bug in the latest build?

ok did click on the tick mark and i can see it now

don’t know why you have to do that i mean the whole things seems there and you still have to click on that button

now wondering about this other name
i mean you can set another name for the filename or something
how do you use this and why ?

thanks happy 2.5

don’t know why you have to do that i mean the whole things seems there and you still have to click on that button

To easily turn on/off the background image without actually deleting it, quite useful no ?

now wondering about this other name
i mean you can set another name for the filename or something
how do you use this and why ?

Your image may be called “675683746238.jpg” but you may want to call it a more logical name of “front view”. When you collapse any of the background image settings this is the name you see so its makes it easy to see which image is which if you have multiple background images. This is exactly the same as any other time you add textures to blender.
Mouse click in the name box and type away, just like any other name box in blender.
These are all there to make working easier for you.

ok like texture channel’s name

so if this is used somewhere else you refer to this name instead of the file name itself!

i guess it is usefull to turn off all background images
but this button should be turn on normally i think !
so you don’t wonder about why images are not shown ! LOL
would be more natural or logical
