Front view like back view.

Hi probably it’s my fault.

I work on a car model, in all view.
I have 2 reference on 2 view, front and back, the ref are visible only for this view.

When i press 1 i see the mesh in front view, but i see the back of the car.
If i turn in BACK VIEW (CTRL-1 ) , i view the same… the back of the car. :smiley: how it is possible?

In also the 2 view, i see always the back of the model…(i think make a TURN 360 instead of 180 degree).

How it possible that the my mesh have made a rotation of 360?? I never touch the mesh for rotate it!

first it was not so I do not know what happened after the save
thank you!


What are you expecting to happen ? I think your brain is just messing with you.

I expect to see the FRONT of the car in front view, and the back of the car in BACK view, or not?
If BACK view, is the opposite of the FRONT we i see the same view.
Back view is 180°, from the front view. Here we have a turn of 360°

Hi have the same identical planes (for back and front), on back and front view. so when i change the front in back, i have a “strange feeling” on my eyes :smiley: i extrude one of the plane, i see the view work fine.

Ok i think it’s time to take some rest :smiley:

You are looking at your model as from the front of it and from the back of it. This is exactly what you would expect to see

If you still feel like we’re not understanding, you better show us a few perspective views of your scene, so we know what to expect in the Front/Back ortho views.

no prob no prob, it’s my fault :smiley:
I was tired and I had a strange perspective :smiley:
Okay guys thanks for the help.