Fruit Basket

Ive always admired the craft and patience needed to weave this in real life- so i thought of weaving it in blender. Using various references this is what i came up with:

I will add the fruits with time if my current ram will allow- bt so far i’d love any critics from you

Great model, I like it.

Thanks Juanrav i appreciate the feedback, i also did manage to clean everything from the ground up and this is what it looks like right now;

Am Now adding the imperfections and the Texturing

Wow! This is really cool! May i ask you how did you do that?

Thanks Thanzex, i did that by using curves- about 100 of them and 6 curves for the bevel. I am slowly adding fruits now

Two fruits remaining Now

Little improvements

these fruits look fanatastic. except for the strawberry which has a bit of an metallic feel. The apple and the watermelon need tweaks too. Maybe reduce the glossyness and add a bump to create a bit of an uneven surface

Thanks [hris, found out the glossy on the strawberry was way high while the SSS didn’t compensate due to Gpu render i think. I’ve now added the subtle bump to them- all needed fruits are now added to the scene

Like the fruits, but they looks kinda flat… Try adding a specular map on the Apple and the strawberry, it doesn’t have to be an apple/strawberry specular map, even a random one i think will do the job. Then the strawberry, it looks like a plastic/metal one, the glossiness is way too high, and i would of course add the SSS, there are a few good threads about it. If you want to render on the gpu, the next relase of blender (2.72) will have full support for SSS on gpu, but if you stil want to use this version you can render the basket and non-sss fruits with the gpu, then render the others with the cpu and then join the two images :slight_smile:


You can take a look at this :slight_smile:

Metallicity is often due to mixing glossy nodes, try with the Add Shader node instead, being careful to not exceed with total brightness to avoid breaking the law of conservation of energy.

Very good modeling work, for realism you should increase texturing adding imperfections and non-uniformities, above all to banana, melon and basket.

Keep up the good work!


Thanks Thanzex- i really need to get familiar with the nodes- The link was a big help, certainly a step in the right direction, i also got to learn proper usage of SSS. Am about to add a specular map. New model for the strawberry;

… also Thanks sourvinos for the feedback, found out i was using too many glossy shaders- i thought the diffuse mixed with the glossy was the answer to everything:yes:. Just found out curves could be UV textured. That has solved a whole lot of trouble. A Test Render:

A close up of the reeds with bumps added