Fun With Cubes and soon other stuff...

Just messing around with light settings. Should’ve been obvious I guess but you can make color just by changing the light settings…no materials, nada.

Check 'em out:

Mmmmmmm, sherbert! :stuck_out_tongue:

OK now take a model add a yellow sun or area light then add a dim blue hemi light opposite and you have some daylight shadows.
Try it
If you are underwater add a veroni texture to the sun and use mist in the world settings.
lets see some more examples with something a little nicer than a cube at least bevel it and create a ground plane.

Is that what you were thinking?:confused:

Sorry about the snappy post :o
here are some pics with light effects.

Sorry about the snappy post :o

No problem, I didn’t think it was snappy; but maybe it was…forgiven :slight_smile:

Wow, that’s awesome!

Is that a random texture you can generate in Blender or not?

BTW, are there two lights there?:confused:

yes its a voronoi tex. If you look at that really jumbled screen shot all the world and lamp settings are shown. And no I don’t work with Blender set up like that.
The settings for the second lamp a hemi are not shown but its pale blue,low power and opposite the area lamp to light the shadows.

the .blend
have fun

Sweet! Thanks!