Fungi as Gateways to the Unspeakable

Hi everyone! :v:t2:
This is my first topic on Blender Artists and I hope it’s not the last one :grin:
I’d like to share my latest artwork I’ve worked on.

It’s not just an artwork, but a small assets bundle, available on my Gumroad and Cubebrush stores.
Anyway, let’s get back to the topic:

As I mentioned before, the mushrooms used for this and other artworks I created recently are available on Gumroad and Cubebrush, if you’re interested:

In the next couple of weeks I’m gonna work on a new project, so my future posts are gonna be focused on older artworks, created in the last couple years using Blender.
Let me know if you’re interested to know more.


I couldn’t share the animated version of the same work in the same post, so I’m gonna add it here.
After watching Across the Spider-Verse, I had the urgency to try something new and add AtSV artistic style, so here you are:

Let me know which one do you prefer.
Personally I haven’t decided yet.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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