Furled sail modeling

Hello everyone !

I am looking for the quicker way to model a furled sail. Basically, it’s a sail that rolls up on itself, but i am struggling to achieve a good way to do it.

Thanks in advance if you have an idea !

With things like this, you need a very solid understanding of what’s happening in the real world to be able to replicate it digitally, so I would actually recommend you take some time first and read some sailing handbooks before diving in


Start with a curve spiral and modell from there:

curve_spiral.blend (117.2 KB)

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Have you tried cloth simulation?
I think that’s how I’d approach this model.


Here’s what I had in mind…
I used the cloth simulation to wrap a square around an axis. Then, using the Surface Deform modifier, I can transfer the animation to a more complex sail shape:


roll.blend (4.0 MB)
You need to Bake the cloth simulation for the Plane object.


Thanks a lot ! I will take look at the files !