Future city

I think if you add some other smaller buildings in front the others it will give more depth in the scene, or just increase the distance between existent budings, again by moving some of them nearer to the camera.
btw i noticed a tower that has a similar design to one i did some time ago for the montly competition, here it is :/uploads/default/original/3X/0/2/020ab7ad942ff9d8f215d951491fa247a1ed88b5.jpgd=1320698697 it has more “lighting”, maybe can be useful…

Haha wow, this is rather old. I was so surprised to see this pop up, and also funny to read past self struggle with things that should be obvious now! Sorry guys, but I felt that I kinda bombed this picture and was super disappointed about it, so I just kinda forgot about it when the contest ended. I don’t think I will ever work on it again.

However, if you are interested, I am doing a really cool, and much much better (hopefully) city as part of my next personal project, so stay tuned!

Looks very nice to me, one thing i might say is it feels like there needs to be a bit more going on. maybe just a few more ships in the air, or maybe something happening in the grass?

Looks really good. Reminds me of Silence from F-Zero.