Future for Blender

I’ve read Blender’s 2020 financial report and it’s an interesting read >>>The 2020 report . Glad as I am to see more downloads and visits and, above all, the balance sheet unhit by CoVID, it worries me a bit Ton wants to hand over Blender within next 5 yrs. I hope it’s for non-medical reasons and he has found the man for the job as they say.

The process of handing over Blender already began with the appointing of Dalai Felinto and Nathan Letwory to project management. Dalai has been spending the last several months trying to improve the efficiency of development (so as to ensure more targets get fulfilled).

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ton is 60. it kind of is a good idea to slowly hand over blender before he reaches the average retirement age. (don’t know the average retirement age in the netherlands though. :))

67 plus a couple of months…
But looking at the latest history of illness it’s good for him to start thinking of retirement. It’s his baby, but at some point someone else will have to take over. It will not be a hard transition, I’ll suspect it will be slowly moving over to a younger generation to pick up the torch so to speak :wink:

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