Futuristic Miniworld

A Blender project. A mix of generic buildings and 10 unique ones.
(Grease Pencil eats memory alive)


Looks like mega city one from judge dredd but even more crowded, this is a masterpiece :+1:

Thanks, I pushed Blender to the limits.

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I like the color palette and designs a lot.
Nice work!

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Awesome work! Love the color palette.
My computer would probably explode trying to render something like that :joy:

It was pretty hard to figure out the proper way of what method should I use for the outlines.
There are 3 options for line rendering: Object, Collection and Scene.
Select Scene, that’s the most efficient I think with instanced geo in my opinion. The other thing
is to build the instances from scratch already designed for outline render. Big, heavy geo will
make everything superslow. And use “Mark freestyle” edge in edit mode, under Edges. It
enables you to set specific edges to be outlines. That’s the best control I think, though more tedious than
relying on crease angle which is a generic method.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

that’s cool, thanks! Merry Christmas!

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