Futuristic - Week 14 of Blender52 2024

Final render


Other final renders


April 2024 - Keep in touch


The topology got a little hairy for the recycle symbol, but the rest has some really great looking edges. You may want to consider a loop around what look like boolean cuts. That can help with topology issues that may result from boolean operations.

But really, this looks great.

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Yes, to be honest I imported svgs for those symbols in the back, and transforming them to meshes gave me so many nightmares (also the text did, when shrinkwrapped and solidified…).

Please do tell, what do you mean about the loops around the boolean cuts? Can you teach me? And yes, you’re spot on, I used the booleans, and I had no idea how to smooth those surfaces to make them less sharp, or amend them in any possible way.

Basically insetting (or more precisely, outsetting) the cut out shape to create a loop connecting the cutout and the base geometry.

This video somewhat shows that:

Then there should be plenty of suggested videos to go more into the technique.

Also hard surface modeling really gets into boolean and making the topology work.

If this is helpful.

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Thank you so much for sharing that. I will try and use the learnings on the next hard-surface model :v:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Amazing to hear, thank you so much, Bart :hugs:

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