Fuzzy Guy

This is a simple rig I’m currently working on. His name’s Guy, and he only has one eye:

Something about the eye looks really off to me. Is it the lack of eyelids? Too big?

Also, I’m tempted to remove his arms and make him an eye with legs.
What do you think? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Just for fun: pose tests! These are from before he had an eye and proper feet.
(I know the lighting on the kick isn’t great. Humor me. <3 )

I think the eye looks weird because of the way the hair is around it. It gives the eye a pixelated look, which looks off.

I actually kind of like the little guy without the eye to be honest. But if your vision is to have him with an eye, then go for it!

Subarashii sutato! :smiley: