FX that would be nice to see in Durian

I have heard rumor that the new Blender Institute project, Durian, is going to focus on visual effects such as explosions and other things that make loud noises.
I was just thinking of what type of effects I would like to see implemented in Blender whether through Durian or not. Here is my list.
I bet a lot of it can already be accomplished, I just have not seen good examples yet. I’ve listed how I think the effect would be accomplished.

Volcano Eruption - Fluids/Materials/Volumetrics

(REAL) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kApa82e7VT0
(REAL) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=y3aqFCT87_E

Lightning - Creative Lighting…?

Tornado - Particles?
(CG) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ2R3zkrj10
(CG) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4R34MU6MsNU

Earthquake Demolition - Physics sim/game engine

Meteorite Impact - ?

Avalanch/Landslide - Fluids/Hardbody physics.

Fire - Particles/Fluid Sim?

Explosions - Particles

Building Destruction - Hardbody Physics/Volumetrics

Rogue Waves/Tidal Waves/tsunami - Fluids
(CG Blender)http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-AiLyQWXjIg
(CG Blender)http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6w1_LekFWY

Bridge Collapse - Fluids and Hardbody physics

Plane Crash - ?

Boat Sinking - Fluids/Volumetrics


Dam Collapse

Storm - Fluids/Wave Modifiers/?
(CG Blender?)http://www.kajimba.com/index.php

Dust Storm - Fluids/Volumetrics