Yep, it makes sense, you model the fuselage as one mesh, the wing as another and the fillet as a third mesh.
Are you familiar with using the Data Transfer modifier to blend two objects together? It might be useful in smoothing the transition between the fillet and adjacent surfaces. (If you’re not familiar with it, maybe I’ll make a very short tutorial demonstrating it)
Hi Mark
I have no knowledge about how to use Data Transfer to blend two objects together, it does sound like a useful skill to know as most aircraft I model involve fillets or blending meshes together.
I just had a look at this youtube and it shows the difference between using just a shrinkwrap blend and adding the data transfer modifier to it. There is a big difference come render time. Thanks for the tip ! That technique will save a lot of modelling headaches.
If you’ve found a better way to use data transfer than shown in the youtube link, and you have time a short video on it would be great.
I’m trying out your panel by panel technique on the La7. Will post up on MM if successful.
I also want to start learning box cutter and hardops for modelling cockpits, landing gear etc and also need to invest in uvpackmaster once the modeling is complete.
He describes the technique I was thinking of. I would just limit the data transfer modifier to the edges of your fillet base meshes since the modifier can add to render times. Once you have your panels shrunk down, you could probably remove the data transfer modifier since the panel mesh will probably be pretty close to where it needs to be.
The data transfer technique is really useful when modeling castings (e.g. engine blocks & other machinery) where you have lots of fillets and rounds cutting into and sticking out of the main casting. It can save a lot of edge loops.
Agreed, subd is difficult to pull off for these situations. Things like engines & cockpits is where I see a real use for the boolean workflow and learning hardops & boxcutter will speed that workflow up a lot.
The other option of course is (as you said) to blend sub’d meshes together with shrinkwrap and data transfer modifiers.
Thanks for this great tuto…I’ll be interrested by a full tuto for a plane or how you use the boolean also. Great work.
I’ve been thinking of doing a soup-to-nuts tutorial series on making an airplane (everything from reference materials to final renders), but I keep thinking it would be so long nobody would watch it.
just on suggestion
if you make videos do like Jayanam
short like max 10 -15 minutes for one specific subject
more then that it too long and tedious to follow and learn
also if possible make PDF short tut
also very useful for learning off the WEB
have fun
happy bl
Perheaps it could be in multiple subject like said Ricky Blender.
For example the base mesch modelisation and after the panel like you do in youtube but more than one panel could be explained to see how deal with all the panel,the boolean use could be shown also.
Some tips and tricks tuto will be great also…For example I’ll see on the panel if the quad are not even the panel are not joined well and also sometime I’ll need to move the subdiv in the bottom (before the solidify) to have good topoligy…why don’t know?
The same for the duplicate apply the modifier I’ll don’t understand why?
Anyway thanks for your work wich is awesome an give us some new workaround to our project. Thanks by advance for the great work and great tuto you do.
Best regards
Agreed - tutorials would have to be short and it would have to be multi episode series of short quick tips/skills videos. Maybe I’ll start thinking about it. It would be a pretty good long-term project.
It will be great to see some new tutos on Youtube from you!
Best regards.
For myself I’would like to see a tuto about hole in the panel I’ll try to understand how you do but I’ll fail…
Ill find a substitute (apply all and use boolean after shrinkwarp project on the base and with the addon" BAB bevel after boolean") the result is great but Ill would like to understand your method wich is so great.
Hope one day see a tuto about the windows hole.
Anyway thanks for the great job.
Hello, thanks for the response.
Yes I’ll saw this video,very interresting but when I’ll try to do the same on panel it’s more hard to do it. Because I’have all the modifier stack of the panel building and apply the same than on the sphere is more confusing
When I’ll speak about your workarround it was about: “Around windows and other openings, it is sometimes helpful to create additional shrinkwrap targets. Below are examples of using rounded cubes to define the edges of window cutouts. The panels have their window edges shrinkwrapped to the cubes.”
I’ll don’t understand all the method certainly if you made a tuto about that on a practical workaround it will be great.
Anyway thanks to give us this way to modeling that I’ll don’t know…a very interresting way but need to have some detailled explanation to understand all the method.
For the panel I’ll have problem with junction with other panel when I’ll understand the even quad topology is mandatory (if not I’v gap between the panel) the same for the stack modifier order,sometime I’ll must put the subdiv modifier below all and some time not.
Anyway I’ll think you have a great method to modelise and it 's why I’m a little frustraded to not understand all (specialy the hole method for the windows and the back of the nacelle)…hope you made a tuto about that.
Thanks for all.