This is GalaxyChan, my original concept generated with ai.
If you’d like to get this character, fully rigged plus more insightful CG anime material research with Blender, please consider supporting me.
For the past 5 months and a half, I’ve been heavily invested in CG Anime research, what makes or breaks the hybrid 2D + 3D aspect of production. I’ve got all the answers (and I’ve shared some, publicly here)
Here are the key takeaways with this model:
- Facial setup using FACE IT - Video series here>>
- Geometry Nodes effects (Bullet hits, sparks…)
- Stylized 2D shaders in realtime inspired in techniques used in Guilty Gear >>
- New (experimental) tool to create custom stylized highlights (and shadows) heavily focusing in deformation
- Grease pencil stylized masking and animation
- Realtime compositing cell shading anime node. Video >>
- Freestyle (post render) stylized outlines. Masterclass video>>
This is all done within 1.5 Weeks of work, with the support of Patreons.
I really admire Blender artists who contribute to the community and have a dedicated 6-10 months exclusively to create a character. I know everyone contributes as much as they can to share insightful techniques and workflows which continue to inspire the Blender community. I hope to be doing the same with such little time to complete a fully rigged and stylized model.
The realtime compositor has been a game changer for my production needs, and I’m sure in the future this will be something that will benefit the community even more. A huge thanks to all Blender developers and each of their modules (Grease pencil, sculpting, realtime viewport, Geometry nodes, + ).
Lastly, ai art generation is good. Is a tool. Ai generated art is not designed to kill creativity but rather enhance it.
“Iterate faster, iterate often, deploy early.”