I am just a hobbyist (and i understand that you need advice from pros) but still 5$ per hour and 20 hours per photorealistic model seem incompatible. If you are experienced in modeling, rigging, anatomy, texturing and animation the latter is Ok but the salary is low. If not it is the other way around.
i am not an industry professionals
but from a personal experince in modeling texturing rigging and animating ! it takes me 3 days to 4 days ! working 8 hours a day
a day for modeling , texturing and animating
but your list is more than that , i think it needs like 5 to 6 days at least!
we can also re use some props by just modifying it , like shoes pants ect.
but animals is another thing ! un less he is looking for a non realistic style which i think its not the case !