Game company names

So this isnt directlly related to any game dev but i was hoping to get some feed back on some company names because im planning on putting SWAP up on so i need a company name so here are a few ideas



point light

so ya let me know what you guys think and if you have any other ideas thanks

Question is what is the Background of each Name – and in Fact, you must be the only one to know in the first Place because it must definitely be your own personal Favourite, and for that you should go with what you have the strongest Bond with. The only Recommendation that ~I~ coul give in Addition, is, that the Word(s) that you use might be something uncommon – special Words, in Order to make the Name special. (think of id-Software: id, the psychological Latin Term for the uncultivated Animal and most natural Yourself within you, short said)

well verb meaning an action or something you do like playing a game
dart well thats just a name
point light is just refering to a point light in blender

i really like verb because it ties in nice with gaming cause there is all these things that you do in a game or actions that you do but does it sound kinda weird of short?

Short Terms are always good as Names (think of the Game »Prey«).
And from the three you had given I also preferred »Verb« for the exact same Reason.

so verb sounds like good company name then? or should i think of a word with 2 syllables so its easier to say?

You are right, a Word with two Syllables might be better for two Reasons (and yeah, in the Following these two Reasons pretty much merge together throughout):

As you say, it ~might be~ easier to say in that Way that the Word »verb« can be considered a rather anclear Word. In Fact, it sounds pretty close to »word« (strange coincidence since they both originate from different Roots but mean the Same – well, both are indo-european…) and also could be misheard.
With two Syllables the Word can be shaped more dedicatedly. That is like when you say one Syllable in Chinese or in Japanese that might make no or another Sense with additional Syllables, or like a Google Search: More than one Keyword gives better Recognizability, but the Amount shall not be exaggerated.

So, you might go with a Word that has two Syllables, but if you really like »Verb«, than you also can think about Derivations of it, using a Suffix.

well ya i dont really know what would go good on the end of verb but i also looked around and the latin word for action is actio but idk it just isnt compelling to me i want a name like say Apple that is friendly but yet solid and people will remember it like valve or something

Kettle. Kettle Games. =D

haha ok thanks but no thanks good idea thow :slight_smile:

If not Kettle Games, then maybe…



um… ya i dont know about pot games sounds bad haha but thanks keep the ideas flow~en :slight_smile:

what about eventus witch is the latin word for experience, cause my games i want to be a experience like and epic thing

or heart rate games something focused around the experience and the action or the intensity of the games.

I suggest you should NOT »look up« Latin Words if that is what you have done. If you use Latin, then only by Heart and Knowledge.
Heart Rate is an Idea, maybe a good one. (Well, you must really know for yourself.)

Why not just use MRN?

I have no idea what it means, but it belongs to you.

well heart rate and eventus are taken allready but do you know another shorter term for experience?

ya i used to use mrn for everything but about a year ago i looked it up and there are allready tons of companys using it in diffrent ways including just mrn

also i just thought of another one what about nrg games like energy

nevermind its taken to darn this is hard all the good ones are taken

EDIT the only one so far that isnt taken is VERB witch i like but it doesn’t roll off your toung very well

EDIT sry just got a bunch of ideas






retina games?

How about:
Goosetastic Games
Bent Ladder Studios

just retina

or retina games and eventually it is called retina colloquially, like Epic (Games), id (Software) et cetera.

So yeah, retina games.

hmm i like bent ladder studios not for me thow but still its really good
i think im going to stick with verb

how about this?

