A small suggestion for next bge releases: Toggle 2D filters.
A way to turn off every 2d filter available in the scene,as easy as turning off shadows.
It would be really nice if we could control this using python.
Soft shadows fading.
When the lamp frustrum ends the shadows should fade and not just looks like is cut.
Sun shadows are not implemented in BGE (yet?). I remember seeing a custom shadow script on this forum… There’s also a blender build for soft shadows out there.
I agree, this would be very useful, but not essential. Quite a few engines have shadows (from a sun) that fade out towards the edge of the frustrum. Makes the border at the edge of the shadow frustrum blend much nicer. I would think that this could be achieved by blurring the edges of the shadow map, but I have no idea about implementing this.
I just tried out the Sun lamp with the shadow buffer type set to varisnce. This seems to make the shadows soft… I’m assuming this is the right method. It looks great in the viewport, but when I hit p to activate the game engine… the shadows are no longer soft. Are you guys seeing this too?