Game finally started!

As you might have noticed i have put out up a notice for a blender team in the support forum.Well my friends were bugging me all school year to start my long awatied game and they have bugged me all summer so far.So starting tonght i well offically start the game later today i well be posting pictures of stuff done so far.(its a low poly game tell i get my new computer.)The game is called :The Uprising of Skulltron".At the very bengging of the game there is a cut seen where the main hero and main villain’s father are fighting each other both of them die.(Needs someone to do the cut seens through the game.)When you start the game your an elf you get to choose weather your a boy or girl.(Classes might change or some might be taken out or more put in)heres the classes:mage,archer rogue warrior.Archer and warrior well not be taken the other might and might not be.If you have any ideas of any classes i should add tell me im open to suggestions.But if your a good scripter,modler,progammer,movie maker that wants to make the cut seens pm me.Or if you have anything else that can add to the game pm.Tyvm for reading my thread.:ba:

heres the beging sword if you choose the dark path well upload the one for light path later if i have time


Heres skulltron’s sword thats all im posting of weapons today plz coment on them.Also plz tell me some names for types of elfs that should be in my game.


Did you draw that? If so then you’ll be making a game in no time XD

if he drew those, that is amazing :smiley:

Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean a game will come easy. textures might though :smiley:

Those swords are sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Especially the first one. Dang, that is one sexy sword design!

the render time for both took lik 25min. each but they were worth it it is going to be a kinda of hard to finish but it’ll be woth it!!!Any of you wanna help me work on my game?

oh man…

hey you found the picture i made in blender.i found that on google made in blender.and y did you say oh man?

Yes , it is very cool!!

Not again…

y did you say not again

They think you didn’t make em and just stole the screenshots from that site, you might have bought them I dunno.

But your ‘render’ cannot look exactly the same as a pic your using for reference. Also, nobody would join your game if you didnt take the screenshots from another website as well, because those swords are too high poly, if you think they would even work in the game you do not know much. If you said they were reference pics people wouldnt join your game as well because you dont have anything done.

Show us something that YOUVE done and lets see who will join, and what level are you at with the BGE anyway?

Sorry if you think im flaming you or something but cheating people into thinking your good is NOT the way to go. And he said not again because you probaly already ruined your reputation on this forum by doing that and you probaly cant post with that username again.

Also, you decided to show us a picture of a real sword, show us a wireframe of that sword, if you cant its obviously not yours, because on that site, correct me if im wrong, they were selling an actual sword, not a 3d model; so you probaly cannot have the wireframe unless your an expert at artwork.

And if you did model that, I hate to break it to you but you need to learn a LOT about the BGE, that sword HAS to be over 300000 polys, and I was thinking your not going to use those for reference, you want to use them in the actual game? And on top of that you didnt make it so you cant even try to put it in the game.

Try making a couple games by yourself, because the team your asking for is a little to much for you to handle.


Why do people do this??

“y did you say not again”
“y did you say oh man”


I suppose he is refering to the fact that you took pictures off of google and then called them your own. Not only is the quite immoral but it is also plagiarism.

| Sanguine |

ergh, Gate, it’s obvious that the weapons you “made” are just slighty edited versions of the pics on that site. No one can get that close to the same lighting and shape.

Actually, I think they are the exact same image. Just a straight ripe. No editing at all.

He made the sword longer and rotated the pics.

As you might have noticed i have put out up a notice for a blender team in the support forum.Well my friends were bugging me all school year to start my long awatied game and they have bugged me all summer so far.So starting tonght i well offically start the game later today i well be posting pictures of stuff done so far.(its a low poly game tell i get my new computer.)The game is called :The Uprising of Skulltron".At the very bengging of the game there is a cut seen where the main hero and main villain’s father are fighting each other both of them die.(Needs someone to do the cut seens through the game.)When you start the game your an elf you get to choose weather your a boy or girl.(Classes might change or some might be taken out or more put in)heres the classes:mage,archer rogue warrior.Archer and warrior well not be taken the other might and might not be.If you have any ideas of any classes i should add tell me im open to suggestions.But if your a good scripter,modler,progammer,movie maker that wants to make the cut seens pm me.Or if you have anything else that can add to the game pm.Tyvm for reading my thread.

also, his spelling…shivers

For the first line, your friends have been bugging you, show them this thred and lets see how excited you are to steal ppls stuff and let ppl make a game for you!

For the second, its a low poly game until a get my new computer, what kinda idea is that? ALL GAMES ARE LOW POLY GAMES, if you can answer how many polys are adequate for each scene I would be happy to make a whole character for your game.

Also I think were so caught up on him ripping of images from google, but read the third section. Its going to be a RPG, wow… First you rip of pictures from the internet, and then you start an RPG? If you dont know anything about making a game start with something SMALLER, not an RPG.

hey, maybe he is really Jesus reborn, and can perfectly match every single detail of a picture, using just blender (few people know that Jesus was a master blender-head)

Look what I made!

The render time was 2 secs!

@ captain oblivion:
We must mourn…mourn that poor kitten…