Any Voluntary Blender 3d modelers on here who want to assist in my non-paid project with making any assets or doing any art go to my Sci-Fi Game Site and take a look at the project: the game script storylines are being put now all online and can be read like a book as you go from system to system.
If any blender artists want to help make things for my game then there are some rules to follow…
First of all, its not a small game, Second, its not a commercial game because the game is subject to non-commercal use only as that was the only way I could get professional voice dialog in the game I had to agree to those limitations. Third, its got over 165 thousand lines of code for the ideas script, but all the 3d worlds of the script have not yet been all built, but the script is up on my site, it has got over 20,000 lines of dialog with ten main party members involved.
I do need a model built of an Alien Sandworm for Planet Manaos for the Slowrath Worm… If anyone wants to build me a nasty looking fat ugly sandworm then they can message me.
RIGGING: I also need someone to beable to rig up the Blender model of Loana for me so I can put her in the Unreal game engine, and test her to see if her rig will work in the engine (if possible), I already brought the model’s license her pic is on my website under Loana. If anyone wants to do a basic rig for her in Blender do message me.
It is NOT a self-procedural generating universe like No Man’s Sky, but the problem i saw with self-procedural generating universes, is that they may create lots of worlds for you using numbers, but then after a while the system becomes unstable and crashes so I decided to manually create my 3d worlds instead.
Its not a minecraft block survival type game and my game does not have a quantillion number of planets that you can visit like Noctis or No Man’s Sky.
I have to use royalty-free or Creative Commons or PD materials in the game so If you want to make anything custom for the game, then your name will go in my game credits list as long as the asset is Orginal or under Creative Commons, (I do NOT accept Fan-made blends that are based on other commercial movies or games.) Those kind of models might come under editorial use only and not royalty free or creative commons.
If you don’t like what I put into my game, or just don’t like the game at all, well that’s ok everybody has their own opinion that’s why there are different game genres. This is a strange game and that’s why there’s some silly stuff in the script. Its there on purpose in case people are wondering.
It is a non-profit project, please be aware of this when reading my ad if you like to help.