Gear script fully ported to 2.50 alpha 0

omg, sorry i just tired

I have the Blender 2.63 OSX release and have activated the Extras in the user preferences. When I add a new gear mesh it works fine, BUT I don’t have anything in the Tools panel which would let me edit the gear mesh. Is there something I need to do to activate the Tools?

Okay, never mind… I just shrunk down my timeline and the Add Gear section popped into place when I added a new gear.

@Asgard: good to hear it still works in 2.63 . I didn’t test it myself yet :slight_smile:

Great script!, very useful for steampunk scenes

I still can’t get the ‘Operator Presets’ Panel to appear to change Gear Teeth number… Help ! Blender 2.63 on Windows XP

So awesome!!

I’ve been experimenting with the gear script in the 2.6x. It appears that when making small gears the addendum and dedendum have some issues. For instance the Addendum field won’t allow a value less than .01. Also none of the fields will allow units specification, i.e. mm or " or cm.

I tricked it by using 1000x values, getting the gear I wanted, then scaling down by 1000, but…not exactly the fun way to accomplish the task.

Am I just missing something on how to use this?

Anybody able to use the spoke functions written in the script? They seem to be under construction in the version released with Blender 2.6, but another version was created with the 2.5 port that seemed to have the spoke functions incorporated. Any way of getting these functional?

Lately there is error in Gears:

 File "/home/user/BLENDER/blender-2.67-r57868-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.67/scripts/addons/add_mesh_extra_objects/", line 680, in execute
    tipGroup.add(verts_tip, 1.0, 'ADD')
ValueError: VertexGroup.add(): error with argument 1, "index" -  sequences of dimension 0 should contain 1 items, not 72

related to verts_tip list which is still an integer list of vertices numbers or how VertexGroup.Add interprets first argument “index”.
It is beyond my comprehension to translate this error message into something meaningful. Also G was not much of a help.
Script finishes with not a nice result and does not allow further parameter tweaking.
Probably needs some attention in a couple of places.

Hello, I have encountered a problem when using the “Add Gear” part of the addon.

I can’t seem to be able to adjust the width of the teeth at its base, reduce the gap between the teeth or bring the teeth closer togeather, same thing just depends how you want to look at it. But I couldn’t find any parameters that would help me achieve this.

Any ideas, maybe some extra lines of code I could add myself?

Hello, I encontered a problem when using the Gear addon. I can’t seem to find an option to reduce the distance between the teeth or widen the teeth at its base, really depends how you look at it.

The is no option to add extra width: the shape of the tooth is fixed so the width is determined by the number of teeth in order to make two gears fit together. You can make gaps between the teeth appear a bit wider by lowering the value for the dedendum (and increasing the value for the addendum) but extreme values will not look good.

Shape of the teeth I was modeling for 3D printing purposes was 0mm dedendum and 1.5mm addendum (Its from an old sewing machine). Also I guess it is supposed to fit with something other then the same type of gear so I needed the spaces between the teeth to be more narrow.

There is one more thing I noticed, when I tried to just fix the edges manually there was a lot of duplicate vertices, so I had to remove all the extras first and then just select the edges and scale them down approximately to the size I needed.

I am not sure if I am the first person that actually needed an extra parameter or just the first one to report it, but it would be great to add something similar to the next version if you have the time.

In any case thanks a bunch for the addon, it really did save me a lot of time.