GearBox. Blender sidescroller early DEMO

hey guys i just wanted to show a really early demo of a game i have been working on called GEARBOX.


This version has the first map, a look at what the main menu will look like, and the basic look of it all.

Version 1.1 - 1.9

Will have all the glitches fixed with the first one and some design things changed.

Version 2.0

Will have at least 2 more stages added on to it (this is the next one i will post)

Version 2.5

Will have the main character and his partner fully modeled and texture

and so on…

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Looks good. I prefer quirky little games like this to elaborate fps’s.

Thanks that’s what i thought, I’m tired of people posting on here how they are going to make the next best mmorpg or fps. So I just wanted to make something a bit different!

I really like the way you handle switching between the menu screens. That’s a really cool idea.

I also like the idea of pushing around a gear to activate things, but I don’t really get how making a large gear stop would allow an elevator to function.

Alright thankyou alot that will really help me!!! Moar feedback please

Please guys I could really use some more feedback!

anything to improve?

Hmmm I like it…but this is a perfect example of a coder doing the artist’s work. Your skills with logic bricks and maybe python is superb, but your design isn’t as good. I suggest you find someone to help you with the models and textures :wink:

I beg to differ. I love the artstyle :smiley:

@krystof thanks alot! And right now I’m in the stage where I’m getting the game interface running and the art comes next I want to get at least 5 levels done before I start the character, and more of the models and textures but thankyou for the critique! It’s much appreciated!

Iv added a basic style to the game, it’s going to be 1940’s time there’s going to be jazz going and it’s going to look very old and stylish!

I would change the font on the main menu- I feel that the one you’re using doesn’t really fit the style of the game. You could look on for other fonts or make your own with Illustrator (be careful, not all of the fonts on that website are for commercial use). Also, I think the vignette is a little too strong- it’s hard to see what’s ahead of you. Other than that, it looks like a well designed game. Good Luck!

Very good! You should submit to :wink:

@mcstudios yeah your right I was thinking about changing it I just couldn’t find a good one and I liked this one because it’s wacky And kind of looks like gears, but yeah new font added to the 2do list!

@jesusfrk14 I will when I finish, this is still very early in the design process!

THANKYOU EVERYONE FEEDBACK IS GREATLY APPRECIATED oh and if you are wondering why I want so much critique it’s because a game is not just made for me it’s for the people so I want what the people want in my game!

Hey again
Character updates

So I have been thinking while Building about a character and I definitely want either a robot or a bug thing my friend gave me the idea of doing a simple box character kind of like walle.

What do you guys think?

a wall-e character would be cool…

I agree with ShingWanTin, it should be a cute robot, who seems kinda helpless in this big dark world of gearwheels :slight_smile:

everyone agree?

I think that would be an interesting character. Something that isn’t too dark, though, since your level is fairly dark already.

Yeah except I’d like to keep it blac and white, you’ll understand once u hear the music :wink: