Mostly just a turnkey rotational array that avoids deforming the underlying geometry.
I’m using it to make gears and stuff, but you can make whatever you want, like break pads or whatever.
All the other “gear generators” I found were trying to do too much. Here’s my Humble Procgen approach.
RotaryPart.blend (192.8 KB)
The latest update is on my GitHub.
The Blender file has three primary geometry nodes modifiers.
Seamless Rotation: The core modifier. Should be easy enough to alter if you want to do more complicated circular arrays, but this way works well and doesn’t require any fiddling with parameters to get stuff to line up.
Tiling X Points and Trim X end faces: Useful for complex boolean tiling stuff. I can think of a few ways to do this more elegantly, but this is fine for the present.
I didn’t talk about it, but I’ve found the Instantiate Convex geometry nodes to be really handy for making mechanical cowlings. That’s what I’m using to generate the casing shown near the beginning of the video.
Then there’s a few real simple standard Geometry Nodes assemblies like Circular Array and Combine With Object which need no explanation.
Hope that’s helpful to you all! I really like how the underlying geometry stays really clean and remains easy to alter.