gears modelling ?

there was a gears modelling in 2.5 not that long ago

but how can i find it and work with it ?

need inward theeths!

i tried BGM in 2.59 but cannot make it work again

any idea how and where to install this so it works normally!


I don’t know about that script. But I think you can build detailed gear from scratch very easily. Just build a nice looking gear tooth. Create a cylinder with same face count as tooth count. Make cylinder as parent of tooth and just Dupliface it. Bang, you get gear. Better yet, this gear model is made up of minimum mesh count. Because all the teeth created are copies.

i finaly been able to make the inward theeth work with BGM in 2.49

but ended up with something like 15 000 vertices

so decided to redo it manullay low poly and simply use Spin dup and it works

but would like to see inward theeth gear in 2.5 !


Come on Rick, you can’t beat Dupliface to make a gear. The total vertices of these two fully rendered gears are only 962 vertices! There is only one set of gear teeth modeled here you know. No copies. All other gear teeth are ditto:

I tried different gear teeth build here. I used two-cylinder parent layout where gear teeth mesh. What’s nice about this method is that I can go back and retouch the gear teeth form so that it meshes properly.

i have to try it but can you control the quality like roundness of the theeth?

like the one you did are a little too wide to much space in between look at the technical details in BGM tut

see pic

but dupliface or particule face woudl also work fine
may be a bit faster with dupliface

there is more then one way for doing things in blender
which is very nice

