
The first render from my first short film. :slight_smile:
About the film:
Title: “The Death Grind”
Length: ~3 minutes
Publication: maybe end of januar.
Work in progress homepage:

Looks spot on once again endi. Modelling is good (what do you expect, they’re gears), materials looks great, textures look great, the lighting is amazing, the node work on DOF is a bit funny, but the glare and overall effect is wonderful.

4.7 stars.

When I read the title, I was like “yeah, whatever… gears, boring!”.
Then I saw the render, and I was like “omfglolcoptrwtfbbq!”

Which simply equals: “nice!”.

Amazing materials and lighting. Could you spare some words about how you did those?

It is impossible to make real DoF with zbuffer based defocus.

So maybe I will cancel this movie project because with Blender impossible to make perfect works. I will use Max or Maya.

You are a funny bloke.

nice one endi. I guess the words about max or maya are a joke? Although agreed that DOF in blender isn’t perfect, I still think it’s a very high quality, works also good for animation. I also don’t see anything wrong with the Dof particularly in this image. I’m only not sure how to make DOF work well with hair, I guess several layers have to be used in such case.

joke of course

endi, could you use more smilies when you make a joke? :wink:

(in real life, you can hear if someone makes a joke, but online, it’s hard to spot the difference between sarcasm, other kinds of jokes and serious comments)

Mediocre is impossible with Endi,

what’s the shader and setup used for the gears, a minneart shader, blinn specular, and arealights?

Dammit! My mouse doesnt change to the little finger when I move over your vimeo links, and don’t do anything when i click em. I also searched vimeo as ‘death grind’ and ‘gears short film’ gears 3d’ but got nothing :frowning: I wanna watch!

Nice work endi, you are the “steam punk” king, is the material your usual setup?


Your work is great endi, but being able to take criticisms is an essential skill for every artist to possess. I’ve read many of your comments in the past, and it’s hard to tell whether you’re being sarcastic, or a jerk. As oogsnoepje has already said, you need to word things differently on the internet than in real life. You are definately one of the better artists around here, but don’t let a rough personality taint your potential.

In other words, don’t do what these guy did:

On topic: Your texturing work is insane! You have an incredible eye for detail. The little scratches that glisten in the light are a nice touch. Also the ring/washer are something I’ve never thought of. It’s definately the little details that make this piece. Keep up the good work!

true words…

Nice texturing,lighting and composition but real gears don’t look like that – see:

Happy New Year,

These are not real gears… When you will see the movie, you will understand everything. :slight_smile:
Now I working on the sound effects and the music but movie is fully rendered. :slight_smile:
But thank you. :slight_smile:

Nice gears …

Whats holding the gears (tubes) looks very far to the other end.... the left-side of the render is good but at the right, that one big gear on the top looks somewhat not right....... . . . . . can we say thats the mean poster for the Movie?
nice site, So you did this all by your self in your free-time, cool! (some links did not work).

LOL!, endi shots some jokes on the new year!


The links on your page don’t work for me (in Opera, Firefox, IE).
Maybe someone can put a Vimeo link here?

Please read the topic. This is an image from the work in progress movie. And the homepage is work in progress too.

looks nice so far. I`m looking forward to see finished movie.

btw… happy, creative and fun 2009!