General questions about building modelling

Dear users, I am new to Blender and to the community; I would like to ask you some general questions about building modelling

  • Whenever modelling multi-floor and symmetrical buildings: Is it better to model the general structure and then, separate individual floors by using LOOP CUT (as in the image 1) or, modelling a single floor first and then, increasing the number of floors by applying an ARRAY MODIFIER?

Image 1

  • About the interiors: Should they be modelled directly inside the building structure, or are they supposed to be separate elements (modelled, for example, by using Archimesh add-on), to work in a game as different maps?

I am currently working on a project where these buildings are supposed to be explorable, thus I would enormously appreciate your advices.

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Hello and welcome to blender artists !

First it’s much simpler to model one floor and then use an array or just duplicate the floor N times.
It’s also possible to build modular parts so each floor isn’t exactly the same , but that depends on the architectural style you are looking for :

each floor is similar :

Each floor is different :

But in both case, starting with one florr and build variation if needed is probably the best way to go.

You don’t want to have everything in the same scene when playing your game, indeed street view and inside the building should be different maps.

But it’s always possible to build everything in the same scene in blender and in the game get rid of the parts you don’t need. That might be easier to build the scene like that.

Hope that helps, I’m not so much into realtime application so probably someone else can give more clues !

Good luck !