I’d like to generate a flat vector similar to this thing below, but without the cross-grid, just elevation lines. How would I go about it? It’s for a car wrap, so it needs to be scalable.
I’d like to generate a flat vector similar to this thing below, but without the cross-grid, just elevation lines. How would I go about it? It’s for a car wrap, so it needs to be scalable.
You wanna have isoline, but in 3d render, or as model modification, or as vectors?
So lines between colors in this image:
Or just isoline in 2d from top view?
I a bit puzzled about the term
According "lines:… :
Adjust to you liking via “input” value (stepping) and threshold in lesser than (thickness).
I leave the the rainbow colors to the “interested reader” .
As presented on the picture attached by me, it’s a side-view, not top perspective. So yeah, like the first image of yours, just no colors, only lines.
I’m thinking that if exporting a flat image will not be able, I could prolly just trace a BW image in inkscape.
flat vector
was to mean a 2d vector line output. But I figure I’d be able to just trace it easily in Inkscape.
Your answer is satisfactory, though the lines aren’t as perfect as I thought they’d be.
You may also slice the object like in this old example… i’m sure ( “nowadays” ) there is a geometry node setup for this