Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

Thank you for your fast answer.
The terrain is not animated.
Regarding the mask, might be I am using a weight map to avoid the trees intersecting with part of my mesh.

The park is not animated. But you can see in different frames how the shrubs scale up/down.

Hope this helps. I can share the mesh too :slight_smile:


Can i get a file?
you can send me a PM and the file via wetransfer (option to share link via url)
BTW nice scene, looks good

I’m almost sure it’s linked to clustering pattern influencing your particles scale

Thank you so much! I will send it today in one hour :slight_smile:

Guys, after a long effing year of doing strictly nothing but industrial animations, I finally have a gig I can use Scatter on… Is the situation still the same with linked assets, in that they still are pretty dodgy trying to use in Scatter, and generally you guys are working with HUGE .blend files that even end up multiple GBs? Please advise yo! I am just getting ready to start this project and would love to link and scatter my trees specifically and not make them part of my working .blends…

Scatter should work with linked assets
I’m not sure what you meant by “dodgy” ?
if you are talking about linking biome library assets that’s coming soon but that will disable any LOD feature as LOD are stored per mesh data

I was trying to link to collections (my trees are single objects, but in collections)… needed to link to objects themselves apparently. Seems to be working okay now. Thanks D!

Scattering collection as a whole also coming soon
But in general, it’s best to keep your assets simple (one object)
as it’s easier to handle

Could you help me? why is there difference between viewport and render in trees scattering?

I use obj collision mask

Hi all,

I noticed that if I have scattered some vegetation on a plane and then I go into edit mode and add new face (let’s say a new plane) and go back to object mode, Scatter doesn’t update the vegetation. Is the same if I join to objects.



You probably just need to refresh your terrain vg

Capture d’écran 2021-03-05 110604

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Thank you, I never thought about looking there since I didn’t have any mask.
Do you think that would be the best place for that command? :thinking:

Agreed, this will be optimized on next update

Any plans to support Octane? Or what would be the best way to use your grass in Octane Blender? Bake the textures? Your nodes are pretty complex.

You are talking about the builtin library i suppose?
Like most blender assets makers, No, i don’t plant to support non-native engines (for good reasons).
(except if external renderers become mainstream, which i don’t think it will ever be the case. As Vray gently stopped supporting their blender port it seems)

Or what would be the best way to use your grass in Octane Blender? Bake the textures? Your nodes are pretty complex.

Most of them use one image texture for every PBR inputs, I just slightly tweak the bitmap colors for roughness/ bump/ translucency map inputs. it can be done easily with octanne i suppose.
This technique user way lower Vram per shaders compared to a more classical PBR with one bitmap per inputs.

Note that you can scatter any assets you’d like in Scatter, it’s really simple.

VRAMs not a problem since I’ve got a 3090. I know I can use other grass I just really like your builtin library.

That info helps explain better what your nodes are doing. I’ll use that info to try convert a few. Thanks!

Few important things about the decision making during the shading
→ good colors are the only thing truly important for this kind of vegetation shaders IMO, the realism comes from the Color and the scattering, for the asset and texture detail, most of the time, you won’t be able to see the detail, as first of all because the assets are not in close-ups (for close-ups i’d suggest using Graswald Assets) and second of all, the brain is not that good at interpreting nature, it get fooled quite easily with some random shapes.
→ it’s also important to create a color variation per instances, in the builtin library i believe that i use a procedural cloud texture that will give slight variation in the translucency and aldebeo channel

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I did something similar to what Dorian is suggesting to get it working in Octane. If I remember correctly I baked the Diffuse from Cycles for the grass blades. As for the other assets, like clovers and weeds, I used the standard textures. Don’t know if it’s the best way of doing things, but it turned out ok.


That helps a lot! Thanks so much. I’ll give that a go tomorrow. Your grass looks great!

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Hey, if anyone is using Scatter with Botaniq, True-Terrain, or True Grass, I have just finished an addon that allows for better conversion to Scatter particle systems. It is not a perfect replacement for actual Scatter biomes, but it should still be useful. It is available on GitHub


First time i see an addon for an addon :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks for the work (though i have no use with it as i’m too poor to buy other librairies XD)