Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

Hi Dorian,
Congratulations on a fantastic update.
I’ve come across an issue, the camera frustum culling doesn’t work if the camera uses a trackTo constraint. The cause is your use of active_cam.rotation_euler in (lines 1839, 1859, 1880 and 1899). It returns the cameras rotation ignoring the constraint.
These need to be replaced with:

rotmode = active_cam.rotation_mode
order = rotmode if rotmode not in {'QUATERNION', 'AXIS_ANGLE'} else 'XYZ' # 'XYZ' would be default
ng.nodes["rotation"].vector = active_cam.matrix_world.to_euler(order)

Source: How to get at the resulting Euler rotation from a Track constraint?

I’ve tested this and it seems to work so far, although I don’t know your code well enough to say there won’t be any unwanted side effects.


Scatter is making my leaves deep violet after scattering.
This really strange thing occurs every time I try to scatter some trees.

Example :

I have tried with normal scattering and it works fine for these trees.

I have also reached out to the devs in the blendermarket inbox, but I have a project at hand, so I am also putting it here.

Hello, thank you very much for the nice comment

I’ve come across an issue, the camera frustum culling doesn’t work if the camera uses a trackTo constraint.

Thanks a lot for the report and for the quick fix ( altho it is supposed to be my part of the job tho :laughing: ) I’ve pushed it to master, and will do few more tests, the fix should be available for 5.1 release

*edit: issue is more generic than this, parenting was not supported.

Thanks for the report

Could you please give me an example file? Are you using botaniq perhaps?
It is likely that this issue is not from our plugin, we do not change anything shader-related and geometry node is not supposed to change this data, an example file would be welcome.

Btw, please avoid doing bug-report at two places at once :slight_smile:


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congrats on the release! I’ve been following updates, it looks amazing and I can’t wait to play with it! Just downloaded it now!

just FYI, when you click on the online manual on the blender market it brings you to this page:

copying the url manually works, but I am not sure that’s the intended behaviour, so I thought you might wanna know! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for reporting this detail
That’s a windowOS URL shortcut, what’s your OS?

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I am on win10

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Ok, no more .url file then! :laughing:

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how Installing a .scatpack on an external drive?

Thank you for your work.


There is some strange error in Scatter 5. I can’t see any system added to scene. It works only when I create new project. Looks like some strange settings are stored in my project. Please help!

Looks like you hide the Scatter5 collection or collection stored inside :slight_smile:

Yes, you can do that in the plugin preferences, you can change your scatter library path

Stupid me - such simple solution. Thank you guys - are you Czech?

Stupid me - such simple solution. Thank you guys - are you Czech?

No, but @carbon2, who did the Scatter5 manual mode, is

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Here’s your answer :

The guys at botaniq are using the object display color ( from object info node ) as a major factor driving their leaves shaders. The problem is that display color is not necessarily an accurate representation of the final render color. ( that’s what is leading to our issue, in Scatter5 display colors are for viewport viz)

If you need to change the trees shader color, you will need to change the system display color as demonstrated in the gif below

clean pavement exampleddddd

It is a either a new feature for botaniq users or an annoyances depending on your view

@Adam.Preisler @Alphisto you might want to be aware of such issue in your customer support

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I have found some other issue - this what I see in Viewport Shading is different to this what I can see at Rendered Viewport (Cycles) Scater 5 - Viewport difference - YouTube

You are on a hunt tonight hehe! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It looks like a subdivision issue, do you have a painted vertex-group and a subsurf modifier on your terrain activated only during render time? Blender vertex-group and subdivision will cause this, (this is not linked with the plugin)
if not, please send me a file sample via DM,
If you encounter more personal issues please use DM instead of the public space forum :slight_smile:

I can’t do it now as it has few gigabytes.

Yes this is a new feature but we’ll likely be redoing it.

You need to control it via R G B and not H S V for it to make sense though.

Display color can be a representation of final render color if you plug Object Color into Base Color in the Shader Editor.

I think here it seems both addons simply use the same part of Blender but for a different purpose.


Sure no worries,
without a file i won’t be able to help out, when you are available, send me a file via PM and I’ll check out the problem :slight_smile:

D, sadly Link Imports is not working. The biome stuff is not linked at all, and thus my .blend files are f**king gigantic. Will this feature be working soon? I desperately want to be able to use Scatter without having .blend files that greedily scarf down the 500GB of my NVMe jobs drive…

PS - I’m loving the rest of S5! : - )

Just tested, it’s working fine with me, both biomes and asset browser scattering.
What’s your OS? Did you tried from a fresh new .blend with no imported objects already?