Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

I have to take a 5 minute to make more tests…now i’m at work with some project. Give a while :slight_smile:

reported again. nothing i can do about it sorry.
By the way this addon is kinda an open letter for the blender institute at the same time. yes particles are important and we should make them better.


I made few tests and it’s huge prblem:( well i see that Your addon will be amazing and superb good but for animations Camera Clipping is unusable, for many stills from the same scene (trees or people distribution) Camera Clipping it’s unusable too. And it’s not your fault Bro but Blender huge problem. It’s one of biggest limitations to make some addon like Forest Pack Pro. Here is example of particles bug .Photoshop mix of clipped and un-clipped particles:

If i try to rotate or move my plane which is a terrain then is huge lag in viewport…i’m using simple tree from Your addon as a proxy. A number of distributed proxies is 36000, but visible are only 1%.

I made few tests and it’s huge prblem:( well i see that Your addon will be amazing and superb good but for animations is unusable

just the camera clipping you mean :wink:

thanks for your supperb montage. i’ll put this image in the devtalk thread.

lag in viewport

lag is expected. working with high particles in blender has always been like that. but still my addon offer drastic performance solutions.

i’ll incorpore a performance guide within the addon. as i know some users will have an hard time with that.

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I made edit in my post - Camera Clipping is unusable, not a addon :slight_smile: Sorry for wrong words.

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Now i’m waiting for market release :slight_smile: Greetings for all users and i hope that all people will help BD3D with good and nice feedback:) It’s huge time saver for all of us, and Scatter is one of the biggest chance to take people from commercial software to blender. Especially all people which are using 3ds max only for architectural visualisations. I’m using 3ds Max 2014 only for Forest Pack Pro . I bought both softwares (3ds Max and Forest Pack) just for possibilities which are available with Forest Pack. Grass and Trees are so essential for visualisations. Now we are taking a huge step forward to have a control over greenry in our 3D blender scenes.
Blender Developers should help us with particles system to rewrite some parts to give us stable particles for camera clipping, to give is us more possibilities like deleting choosen few particles (You can select trees or other proxies and delete them from particle system, like in Forest Pack Pro) and we need more control over scale and rotation particles (randomized transformations for proxies like in Forest Pack Pro).
Thx BD3D for your time and knowledge. Greetings


Thanks a lot hris !

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@hris your wish has been granted.


there’s now a little operator in the texture slots that will change the slot to the active preset



Wow! It’s amazing how fast you are implementing new features:) so many people will be happy with this feature:) realtime presets like in forest pack !


Re: Scatter Addon

Q. Can I edit the Scatter Objects curve after I have drawn the path?

Q. In Cycles I have made hills using a Displacement Node. I noticed Scatter Objects can’t follow this undulating terrain. Is there a way to “apply” the displaced terrain if it was made using nodes and not a Displace Modifier?

Q. After I draw the Scatter Object line it leaves the original objects in the middle of the scene. Can I remove these large instanced objects in the centre of my scene without applying Scatter Objects to geometry?

Q. Can I edit the Scatter Objects curve after I have drawn the path?


Displacement Node.

unfortunately, cycles displacement is not supported with particles by the blender devs

Q. After I draw the Scatter Object line it leaves the original objects in the middle of the scene. Can I remove these large instanced objects in the centre of my scene without applying Scatter Objects to geometry

didn’t get it, pehraps do you mean if my addon is non destructive ? yes it’s totally non destructive, every things you do with particles i reversible. camera clipping, boolean curves ect…

BD3D, Thanks

So, you the creator of the Scatter Addon which is included in Blender 2.8. Are these features going to be added to that Scatter Objects add-on or is this thread talking about a different Addon?

no object-scatter is a whole different addon, made by jacque lucke.
imo this is a bad idea as it is totally destructive


biome manager is finished, check out this gif


so… when can we buy it? :smiley:

Finalisation to do list

→ carbon2 will review
→ friends of mine will review

→ add more description in the UI when hovering
→ i write a performance guide inside of the addon panel
→ i add carbon 2 work inside of the addon. (1hours max to encode)
→ need to resolve some ctrl z problems

private beta testing with interrested members from ba and twitter
→ i create a real environement and archviz scene with the addon as a final check from myself.

→ create a new scatter thread on BA
→ write the manual
→ make create a cool page on the blender market

→ PUBLISH → ONLINE after a few days
addon cost: 45$ promo on first two weeks or more

post release:
→ create a 10-15min tutorial on youtube
→ create a trailer showing all the features
→ advertise on blendernation, twitter, blender artist, facebook, ect…
→ support for graswald biomes
→ create a real useful and photorealistic biome that i will use myself with my archvizs values of 20$ that will be bundled with the addon, graswald style.

→ X WEEKS AFTER → price increase to 69$ with the Photorealistic grass bundle, everyone who purchasedd the addon on the first weeks will get it for totally free


My current project is going to benefit so much from this. Great work mate.


Whoa. No. Thanks.

I don’t think thats surprising considering how much time it can save you and the degree of polish it can give your work. We need these type of tools for Blender to lead the industry.

That being said I 100% identify with the frustration of not being able to get my hands on something powerful and creative in the open source world. Its not a perfect solution but I think what many do for the normal commercial software world will work here. You snag a (probably outdated) version of the software at a place where you can do such things - you play with it and get to know its features. Then you get a job where you can use it or you have some $$ to play with for your hobby and you buy it because you want the latest updates and to be able to tag the creator on social media with a link to your work. This is not a perfect system by any means but its the only compromise I know that acts as a funnel for the addon creator. Sorry to anyone I offend - I am being a realist!

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Whoa. No. Thanks.


45$ is the same price range of addons like B-painter, MESH-MACHIN3, DECAL-MACHIN3, asset manager ect…I propose the same kind of new and innovating functionalities that will change an artist workflow so i think that this price is more than fair. personally i purchased both of MACHIN3 addons and never regretted it.

i totally understand how you think it is not, i know that blender being “open-source” combined with commercial addons sometimes makes a lot of peoples angry from both sides of the debate.