Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

Me! Very interested, i also have graswald and the grove.
One more question; , is updates regarded in the version for example 3, 3.1, 3.2. And upgrades are for example 3-4 and will cost. So i should in that sense wait until the 24th?

Count me in to preview the catalog :slight_smile:

I’m interested :star_struck:


One of the four new masks is the ‘‘Boolean Collision Mask’’ !


Bravo Dorian! Lookin’ pretty sweet! Unfortunately my top client keeps tossing me nothing but industrial animation gigs. D’oh!! Maybe I’ll get to use Scatter again before I am old and gray and unable to push a mouse around…

So refresh my memory… we get free season updates for the foreseeable future, right (I bought Scatter at beginning)?.. Or at some point will we need to slap down some money again?

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Love this addon, but i Really want to reach a nice workflow with the Grove addon that I have.
So the trees that are created with particlesystems etc are really nice. And i Only find two option to work efficiently with the scatter addon, combining the grove trees together.

  1. Break the grove tree down to a mesh, convert the particlessystems with the twigs. Which is going to be a really heavy model. Use the LOD to make a proxy of it. But still, the model is going to be huge for each tree…

  2. Use the particle system of each tree, decimate the twig and tree only on viewport not in rendered view. Put in in a collection and instance the collection to the scene. But? There is no way to scatter linked instances ? is that correct?

Anyone has a smart solution to my issues?



  1. convert the grove tree to mesh-tree, (blender don’t support particles of particles, it is specified in the grove FAQ)
  2. create a simple lod (colored box for example) or just display tree as bounding box (or use automatic proxy generation in the next lodify update coming soon)
  3. scatter

And i Only find two option to work efficiently with the scatter addon

that’s a scatter limitation, that’s a blender/the grove limitation :slight_smile:


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Yea I figured, but when I convert the grove tree to mesh tree it makes a 7GB for a single tree file :smile:

Kind Regards


New ‘Bezier Area’ Mask announced !


Hi DB3D;
after the new Scatter 4.0 there will be (finally) by you a series off tuts along a progressive and intelligent learning path, from a starting point to intermediate and advanced learning?


Yes indeed :slight_smile: I think I’ll do machine3 like tutorial with ai generative voice ? Not sure yet


Hi BD3D,
If I can suggest something already said in the past, *it would really be more interesting and productive to make not ONLY ONE infinite tutorial but SMALLER tutorials with few (or one) topics with some simple, but real examples projects.
For example, you could start with a lesson solely dedicated to how to plan a project for “Scanner”, how to set up Blender rendering engines (Cycles or EEVEE), how to set the scale of the scene (i.e. when to use a real scale, when instead we recommend using a smaller one …), how to set up a custom suggested UI Workspace (if needed), and any other preliminary topics we need to know before starting.
So, you could then slowly add many other short tutorials on the various features of the addon, so I mean short tutorials with a small final project, really simple but exhaustive, so that it is possible to fix each topic in the best way but above all to experiment concretely with a simple real example.
This way of organizing the tutorials would have enormous advantages for us users who could follow a progressive and reasoned learning path without forgetting the topics on the road and concretely fixing the notions thanks to the small projects covered in the individual tutorials. Plus, having short tutorials with a clever title allows users to go straight to the topic they’re interested in.
But this way of teaching would also be great for you since making short tutorials focused on a topic is much easier, you don’t risk forgetting notions or neglecting others. Don’t take anything for granted, please). Another advantage of the brevity of the tutorials is that, thanks to the titles, you can immediately find the topics that you are interested in maybe review. But above all, if you need to change something in the tutorial because maybe your addon has changed or because there are errors or inaccuracies, you can change or replace it without having to re-register everything but only that tutorial, which as we have said, should be short.
I hope I was convincing enough …, actually these tips that most teachers or developers forget when they explain something, and this is also the cause of misunderstandings, misunderstandings but above all the bad use of software whose benefits are exploited in the end at least due to insufficient teaching, Imho, of course.



New shadow mask for Scatter 4.0


Great! this shadow mask will give some nice results and variations for the grass distribution!
super nice addition!


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A new handy features for users who are working with dirty ngons: the 2d “remesher”



I want to buy this add-on but I wonder, do you plan to add a wind effect? Also, will there be trees in the built-in library someday?


Hello Maxence

I want to buy this add-on but I wonder, do you plan to add a wind effect?

maybe on 4.1 or 5.0 !

will there be trees in the built-in library someday?

Not sure yet, haven’t decided yet :slightly_frowning_face:

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@BD3D: Love the new shadow mask, nice sidestep from Houdini :slight_smile:

@Maxence7514: Trees would become interesting if Blender would allow assets with a particle system being used inside a particle system.
That way one could use a tree with particle branches/leaves to be used within Scatter.
Now trees have to be full polygon meshes, which can become quite large.

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Say welcome to the Particle Proximity mask



I also want to buy but confused with your answer here. What is the difference between updates and upgrade ??

If I buy now 3.1, does that mean I need to buy upgrade for 4.0 ?

Think I’ll wait till Tuesday.

Great job by the way ! Look forward to getting 4.0.

Two other questions;

  1. Does it work well with large fields and paddocks ?
  2. Does it work with Blender 2.90 ?