Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups


My bad. I installed Scatter 4.0 and after that I installed Lodify (my old version) instead of enabling it from Scatter Panel.

Thank you so much.

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Wish I had mode time to see any features in action.
I’m deeply amazed how gargantuan progress have you made from first script versions. Looking forward better times to finally use it!


Is it possible for new biomes that are added to be immediately clipped by a mask that is already applied?

Ideally the clipping masks must be a global option while keeping the density intact ! We’ll see if this is possible in a next update

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Hi Mate, Is there a way I can export the scatter system as an fbx keeping the textures and instances?

great update @BD3D, thank you…

2d remesh limited to 6 subdivisions is very low for me… can you unlock this limite?

you can always go in edit mode → right click → hit W ? quite fast really.
the problem is more that 6 subdiv start to become quite slow, so i’d rather let it locked for most users

if you want to unlock it you can change the script
in SCATTER_OT_displace_terrain_remesh you can change the property min/max value
subdiv : bpy.props.IntProperty(default=4,min=2,max=6)

Good question, for a start in the new export panel you can make all instance real with the new export operator, then the fbx export from blender should have a preserve instance option.

as for materials, they are semi procedural and were not designed to be used outside of blender (not a fan of PBR workflows, I find them not optimized and Vram heavy)

you will need to re-create the shaders in the new software, no secrets here… The shaders are almost always built with the same workflow: one low-res texture (may be used with multiple assets but with added color variation) is used for multiple channels (albedo, roughness, normal, translucency) by tweaking the color range, then you need to add variation per instance with a procedural cloud texture influencing a color property.

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Cool Beans, Thanks.

yes, well remembered

already did this :slight_smile:


I recently bought your addon. And I have a couple of questions.
Could you tell me how to work with grass in large areas (200x200 meters and more.). Can point cloud be turned on right away? Like in forest pack
And any plans about to add a few trees? BTW I see some trees in your demo scene


Can point cloud be turned on right away? Like in forest pack

Right now it’s on beta, we hope that point cloud will be actively usable in Scatter5 when it’s out

Could you tell me how to work with grass in large areas (200x200 meters and more.). Can point cloud be turned on right away? Like in forest pack

I’d suggest to:
-always use lower % of visible particle
-hide particle on creation
-use a proxy with lodify
-use optimized grass patches, you can try the “Type B extra large” and see if it’s what you need.

And any plans about to add a few trees?

Maybe ? not sure. i have a few as you saw but still unsure about a free update with trees. I’ll keep them & decide for later (as having added trees species will have impact on values and pricing ect… )
Note that Terrascape will release Jungle Scapes soon for Scatter

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Black Friday is here


Where does it locate? cant find, sorry
Thak you for answer

it’s in the layer category, search for the keyword "optimized’ :slight_smile:


That’s forest 05 biome right there. one click.


i just found the perfect Scatter Render
by Rumen Toshkov



Is it possible to control the scale of the particles via Vertex Groups?

Is it possible to control the scale of the particles via Vertex Groups?

@jcfnav we will think about a better mask implementation for Scatter5

They fixed the density issue when using vertex group on geometry node scattering.
That’s a really good news for the non-destructive mask workflow. meaning animation capable masks and no more seed changes. So many possibilities.

Expect Scatter5 to be amazing.


Umm, 4 is pretty dang amazing Dorian. Maybe you should have said “Expect Scatter5 to be astonishing


Thanks :slight_smile:
could always do better imo.