Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

Hi Dorian,
I have few questions

1.Is there a way to organize the thumbnails in biome library? When I click into Biome manager, it seems to display the thumbnails randomly.

2.When I use camera clipping mask, how can I avoid the change of particles? I mean I just want everything’s located exactly the same before and after the camera clipping applied.



So far it’s alphabetically, but Scatter5 will use the upcoming asset browser with many possibilities

2.When I use camera clipping mask, how can I avoid the change of particles? I mean I just want everything’s located exactly the same before and after the camera clipping applied.

Indeed, that’s one of the downsides of the current vertex-group mask, workflow, that’s how blender distribute the particles, by total count. Fortunately, Scatter5 will introduce a better density handling!

Thanks for the answers. Regarding the thumbnail, this is what I got. It doesn’t seem to display properly?

Indeed the order seems a bit odd what is your OS?

Mine is Mac OS.

Also, everytime I open Blender Preferences window, Blender suddenly lagging. But as soon as I close the preferences window, the lagging is gone.

No worries that’s just blender loading icons

This feature would also be great for me !

I have a large plane which incorporates a house with a manicure lawn surrounded by nature land. Adding a biomes on the plane always exceeds the particle limits (I know I can increase, but doing this puts too much burden on the system before masking) but would not if I could apply directly to a mask area only.

A work around I have done is once the plane is sculpted, I split the ground plane into different objects to achieve the different biomes without overloading the particle count.


Just reading all comments here, I see lots of talk on new features for scatter 5. I hope you’ll also have time to add wind animation in too.

I just saw the

Export particle information as .json:

Does anyone has an idea how to import this data to Unity?
An .fbx or .obj expor of particle instance/rotation/location/size would directly work.

There is an great asset in Unity which converts per presets or self defined imports close to all assets to have wind and contact .
Also it adds seasons material blends which is absolut great.

I only want to export my blender scatter designs to unity.

So i only would need the instance/rotation/location/size as a Unity readable format like .obj or .fbx.
By having this there would be a complete automatisation towards these results possible.

Latest version.

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Yup that’s what’s inside the json, you just need to read if from a langage of your choice.
we’d like to work on export to game engines in the future.

btw thanks for the wind animation channel, it’s inspiring!

Scatter5 News

Geometry node will be amazing for a simple fact: it fixes the vertex group density problem (just tried with camera clipping vg-mask animation),
meaning the Scatter masks workflow will not cause any more density problem, and will be compatible with animation witouth a problem! It will finally be as I always designed to be!

I’m so hyped

I also strongly believe multi-ID-texture-clustering will be possible within a single particle-system. Prepare your mind to be blown if this is true.


well of course i deleted something :wink: after a few day it feels more comfortable :slight_smile:

here’s a WIP


nice work!

thx dorian, i will post when its done :wink:

Here a “longer” video interview with lots of details…
Check the importer who automatic sets speedtrees or lot of different vegetation assets up for wind and interactivity. The used method sets vertex colors and pivots the way that they are easily animateable in the shader.
A Cycles Material how animates these should be possible too.

Would it be possible to convert the scatter particle system with bult in blender function.
Then you get all the nodes in the outliner which are exportable to all blender formats.
Problem is only to sort these under an emty node because otherwise the outliner explodes.

Probably you can connect with boxophobic. Think he is also interessted in nice scattered stuff.
I think together you could solve the blender → unity in few hours.

To write a json parser is not so pretty forward . Better would be .gltf, .obj, or fbx.

I will go with Scatter in Blender and Vegetation engine for next projects.
A easier round tripping behaviour (blender ↔ unity) out of the box would be very nice.

And i am not the only Blender, Unity user who would like that.)

Sure, once Scatter5 is out ! :slight_smile:

There’s a glTF extension that could help this use case, EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing, allowing the file to store many instances very efficiently. Blender’s glTF importer/exporter doesn’t implement that, but it does have hooks for other Blender addons to insert data through extensions. I did a proof-of-concept exporting from Blender’s particle system a while back, if that’s helpful at all.


nice! Trees from what pack is?

Guys, any critique on this kind of tutorial?
using an AI generated voice/ music /intro etc…

ofc the video capture GUI will be zoomed, didn’t record anything yet