Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

Feature Reqeuest:

The current Scatterpacks for Grassblade and other externals products double the file size, after we have the original Grassblade with all assets installed AND the scatterpack with all the assets.

It would be cool, if scatterpacks could point to “external” data, so we could have a stand alone scatter pack (as it’s now) and a scatterpack for people who have the original add on of grassblad and others installed.

External assets would also solve an other issue, we could do community scatterpacks for asset libraries wich are currently not supporting scatter 5 offically and we don’t know if we get offical support, like Graswald or Botaniq. People would install the community scatterpack, which would not include andy copyrighted material, after all this assets would be still in the original addon.

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