i am searching for a method to create a wireframe from edges. The basis is a mesh without faces. The radius and the color should be affected by two vertex-groups.
By coincidence i have managed to affect the radius by vertex-Group. I am not shure if this is a proper way to do it. First of all i am a little bit confused about how geometry nodes is using vertex-groups. When i create a group with the name “radius”, the “curve to mesh”-node is automatically affecting the radius. I am not sure if this is a bug or not. Is “mesh to curve” automatically transfering the vertex-group to curve-radius by the name of the group?
What could be a possible approach to color the output-mesh with the vertex-color?
Thank you very much zeroskilz! Looks like a great approach. Thanks for the hint with the viewer also.
I am running into an issue with the vertex-groups. Unfortunately, i do not have faces to work with. My actual minimal python-script to color the vertices is producing a group with type of “Face Corner”. Without faces, only type of “Vertex” is working. I do not find any documentation about this. But is it possible to create a vertex-group with the type of “Vertex” instead?
Sorry for asking this weird questions. I am searching for a performative way of thickening and coloring a huge amount of faces for a blender-plugin.
Do not really get your question…but the error you get in the script in one of your screenshots results from the refactor to use generic attributes instead of vertex colors.