GEOM Curve parameter?

following a video for curve

and he adds a curve parameter node
around 2.54 min

but i cannot find it

can someone if the name has been changed or where i can find it ?

video is here

happy bl

What version of Blender are you using? I don’t understand much about geometry nodes, but in the 3.3.1 version of Blender there’s spline parameter that has factor and length together.

got the stable bl 3.3
and cannot find it
he might be using a later version ?

happy bl

That doesn’t make sense cause I tested it right now and it’s already present in Blender 3.2. I just made a search for spline and it was there.

I have already used this node before and it does what you need.

got that spline

but in video he is adding curve parameter not spline parameter!

so what is the difference between curve parameter and spline parameter is it samething only name change

by the way there is also a cuve lenght and a spline lenght
any differences here

and i still don’t have his Special group functions
anywhere we can get these group nodes

happy bl

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I guess it is. I was also confused at first.

Node was renamed in 3.1.

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curve param = spline = param

is it same for
curve len = spline len

if anyone has a sample file for this nodes set up
i would be nice
cause i don’t have the special group nodes in video

happy bl

There’s a link for his free node groups on the video description, maybe that’s where you can get the one he’s using.

where do you find the Special group node on Gumroad ?

happy bl

I haven’t downloaded his file(s) but looking at the titles I’m assuming it must be this one, so just check that one: