Geometry node Merge by distance only on intial loosepart/mesh island?

Hello guys,
I’m trying to do a solidify set up in GN with more control but I ran into an issue I haven figure out yet.
how to be able to merge by distance so that the merge is only affected from intial mesh parts. So two vertices wouldn’t be weld if they are not generated from the same intial parts.
see the image


can u pls provide your blend file so that we don’t have other requirements than you have? thx.

Merged.blend (945.7 KB)
Here is the file :slight_smile:

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is that what you want?

it merges per mesh island:

Hi It’s actually close but not the same, if you look at the bottom it’s not welded the same way as the modifer.
I’ll dig into your setup as this might be the way to go.

Like this maybe?

By setting ID per mesh island at the start (which will be inherited upon extrusion), we can identify and group these parts of the mesh during Repeat.
Disclaimer: I’ve never used Repeat Zone, so have no idea if it’s an optimal setup.

Thanks so much, look like it’s working. I need to see if I can add the extra control I want to get a better solidify. but this set ID + repeat does the job. thanks so much all for your help and fast feedback :slight_smile: