Geometry Nodes Development Discussion

What input nodes are you talking about?

This PR that was linked above proposes to deprecate the “Instance Rotation” and “Instance Scale” nodes:

I guess it’s not clear whether this is the result of a design discussion or more in the vein of „Let’s try this out and see what sticks during review!“ :slight_smile:


Yes, that’s what I meant. I don’t have a clear idea of what working with transform sockets is going to be like exactly, I haven’t experimented much. I was wondering if it wouldn’t be preferrable to avoid having to decompose the transform each time I need to access, say, instance rotation. By supplying existing component sockets in the same “instance transform” node below the transform sockets, for example.

I could use openXR input node,
Keyboard press node
SDL input node.

Mouse cursor position node (screen and mouse over position 3D)

Cache bvhtree / faster physics sim using geometry nodes.

Also, how to use a geonode tool as a py function?

	relative_asset_identifier="name_of_your_asset_file.blend\\NodeTree\\Name Of Your Node Group"

Found a pretty neat undocumented new feature in 4.1, you can define special default values for some unconnected node group sockets.

Right now you can set a vector socket to use the geometry normal or position, and an integer socket to use the index or id. Again, they’ll only use those values if there’s nothing connected to them. I’ve wanted something like to for a while, and had to use a weird workaround until now.

A surprise to be sure :stuck_out_tongue: but a welcome one.


New? -Yes.
Undocumented? -No.


greetings, Kologe


Oops, I just checked the release notes :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes I wish that function could expand to other use cases.

One of my tests was to make a node tool that simply lets you set the dimensions of the object (using dimensions not scale), it works great but I had to set the default to a fixed dimension.

I could not figure out a way of using the current dimensions (calculated inside the tool with the bounding box) and using them as the default so that the object does not resize until you tell it to by manually entering a new value.

So when you invoke the tool it always resizes the object to the default settings before you tell it to do something.


Somebody knows if its possible to get the custom normal or store the normals. I am trying to do a triangulate modifier with a selection input but I am not sure how to replicate the keep normals option from the default triangulate modifier.

capture the normal as a attribute → triangulate and then transfer the attribute over from the orignal mesh using ‘sample surface’ node in ‘mesh’ menu


Thanks, but I am not sure if I am doing it right. I dont know how I should output the normals to my mesh after the triangulate operation. I need to store this normals in the mesh, not only to be used as an attribute in a shader. This is what I have right now:

store as named attribute in geometry nodes - use this in the attribute name in the attribute node in shader nodes*

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Is this not rather confusing as well?

This one is fun too…


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The rotation socket at least has a good reason to replace the standard vector socket in places, as Gimbal Lock can make a lot of things you want to do harder than they should be.

There is also at least possible auto-conversion behind the scenes, so you do not exactly have to have intimate knowledge on how quaternions work, though the last example does give the impression that the conversion of rotation-based operations to use the new socket is not quite complete yet.

Absolutely love these new organizational tools for geonodes.


The return of SDF modeling appears to be pretty much official now, the devs. are going ahead with expanding the new system.

SDF Boolean operations.
Geometry Nodes: Add SDF grid boolean nodes ¡ 0c3763ddda - blender - Blender Projects

Volume grid baking (which can be used for SDF work).
Geometry Nodes: support volume grid sockets in bake node ¡ 37da07e51a - blender - Blender Projects

Losing the initial experimental nodes was a downer, but it looks like the new approach will overall be more powerful.


If previous experimental “Mesh to SDF” and “Mean Filter” nodes was removed: what are alternatives?

I saw a “Mesh to SDF grid” node, but didnt find any way to replace “Mean Filter” node.

The mesh you are sampling should be the version before triangulation,

What do You mean by return? Metabals, or something else?