Geometry Nodes Fillet Curve - how to not add detail to linear segments?

Is it possible to limit Geometry Nodes Fillet Curve from adding detail to linear segments?


Make a curve made of straight segments.

Subdivide curve once. Now there are points on linear segments.

If Curve to Mesh is used, it becomes obvious there is overlapping geometry generated.

Can this be prevented?


Hello !

Indeed this is annoying ! I don’t think there is a way to prevent these to be generated. The fillet curve will add subdivision no matter what, even with 0 radius.

But !!! you might find a way to remove un-needed points, I don’t know exacly how, but you can inspect one point and the previous and if they have the same location you remove one of them. something along these lines !

Good luck !

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Do it in Poly mode - use segment angles to set the Count field:

… tweak the Map Range output to control the Count of cuts created.

Good luck.


Thanks @sozap and @zeroskilz

I ended up converting to mesh, merging by distance and then back to curve if needed.

Seems to be working.

Set Position node is unrelated to this issue, so ignore that.