Geometry nodes: How select by vertex color?


Is possible to select parts of the mesh based on their vertex color?

test_vert_sel.blend (1.1 MB)

You can use a named attribute to retrieve the vertex color attribute and a compare node to select the color (I used a big epsilon value because I didn’t choose the exact same color in the compare node):


I see! Thank you.

It works fine on my end with colors, but what if I want to determine the selection using only alpha channel value, while ignoring color entirely?

Use a separate color node and compare only the alpha channel:

(btw if you only wanted to see if the alpha is 0 or 1 you could omit the equal node and connect the alpha directly to the selection input or add a boolean not in between depending on how you wanted to make the selection)


Thank you, this is what I was looking for!

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