Geometry nodes: how to set vertex colour attribute as default used for rendering?


I’ve got myself into a situation where I get exported vertex colors from my geometry node setup, but it isn’t set as default vertex color channel when converted to mesh.

This creates a situation in which whenever I activate vertex coloring mode, it creates an entirely new vertex color attribute and makes that one active instead!

It’s quite annoying and I’d like to understand this behavior better, so if anyone feels like explaining to me what’s happening here, I’d appreciate that!


vertex_color_issue_2.blend (3.9 MB)

The file you send doesn’t look like in the video,

I trimmed it down for unnecessary things that could confuse people in the process of this topic.

Additional modifiers, textures, models and curves that don’t have to be there in order to replicate the issue are gone for the sake of clarity.

I replicated the same issue with the file I sent here.

Make sure to select the existing attribute (just click once on it), before going in Vertex Paint mode. It won’t create a new attribute then.

I noticed that later, but still find it to be a strange behavior imo.