Geometry Nodes - Instancing a procedural object

Hi, I made this procedural lantern that has a bunch of parameter all changed by this seed however when I try instance the lantern on points, all the lanterns around my scene are exactly the same. Is there any way to make each instance of the lantern be controlled by a different seed?

Hi !
Not sure about getting the seed changed for every instance, but if you only want a few differents (like 4 or 5), juste duplicate the object 4 times in the same collection, make each different with your nodes, and then juste instancing using the collection plug instead of the object plug !

Hope it helped, if you want differents one every time, there’s maybe something to do with instancing and proceduraly modeling in the same geo node, and work with noise textures as a seed value… idk

You can use simulation nodes by adding 1 instance a fr

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Also if you want to distirbute them randomly and don’t want them to intersect there is collision avoider setup in this file.
randomize_instances.blend (1.1 MB)