Geometry nodes not rendering?

Hi there!

I was doing some cool stuff with geometry nodes, I already made proper material and everything shows up fine in render Cycles viewport, but when rendering, it is just a black image.

If I include a normal mesh in the same scene, it will appear in the render, but not all the geometry nodes stuff.

Do I have to do anything special in order to render Geometry nodes’ stuff?

Thanks in advance!

I was following this tutorial, maybe there’s some specific thing needed to render curves?

I think a little more information is needed, geometry that outputs from geonodes should render fine.

Simple curve lines are not geometry, curves lines do not render unless they have a thickness-extrusion or bevel of some sort, they do show up in Cycles viewport as an overlay but do not render. If you turn off the overlays they will disappear in the viewport as well.

To extrude or bevel curves created in geometry node you have to convert to mesh.



Both will now render.

Can you share a screenshot of your “Cycles viewport” and the node setup?

Dear @DNorman … really thanks a lot for your reply.

Because I followed that tutorial, I already had those nodes to convert the curves into mesh. I also assigned a material.

In fact, in my render viewport, without the outlines view, I can see perfectly everything. As you can see, in the rendered image, everything is present, except the mesh with the geometry nodes.

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You can try to set a higher radius for the Curve circle like 1.0.
And try to replace material with a basic shader that hasn’t issues.

You have the modifiers turned off for render.

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Oh my goooossshhhhhhh
You saved me from hours of desperation.
Why the hell are they deactivated from default?? I didn’t even know this option exists.

Really, thank you so much.

Finally I can go to sleep.

Well … first I want to render this a couple of dozen times :sweat_smile:

No need ! @DNorman spotted the issue !
Well done and good night !

thank you, i am not a part of this discussion but you prevented me from tearing my hair out trying to solve my geometry nodes render issue

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