Geometry Nodes - Selection form Position Problem

Hello, I have following problem with Blenders Geometry Nodes. I want to calculate the meannormal of a specific area for multiple points on a Basemesh. I have made it work for a single selection on my Basemesh.

I can´t figure out how to get a radial selection on my Basemesh for every individual point you can see in the second picture.

Can someone help me please?

Hi there!
The most obvious (and probably cleaner) way is to use Repeat Zone for each point/selection with a similar logic that you already have :person_shrugging:

Alternatively, we can find a way to somehow divide faces in groups, where an integer Attribute will define which one is which. This can be fed into Accumulate Field to calculate sum of each group.


  • Here, for each point of the surface object find index of the closest Point. Now every face has an integer associated with it - it describes a Group.
  • With these indices we can also find the distance to appropriate points and select only in certain radius.
  • Switch is used to assign value of “-1” to everything outside selection - it’s a separate group (which of no consequence to us, unless we use “Group ID = -1”, which we most likely won’t).

Now capture accumulated Normals / Rotation on faces of the surface geometry, use selection to distribute new points and instance.


If you’re looking to smooth out the normal so you can instance something on it in a stable way, I would recommend blurring the normal attribute


Have been lazy and throwed in my group attribute statistic node. Which does it similar to what Stray did. For understanding and learning purpose better look at Strays example. He explains it very well.

mean_normal_for_point_group.blend (3.7 MB)