Geometry Nodes

I created an “impressionism” effect using cycles point cloud rendering:

I’ll share a file after I clean up the scene a bit.


fountain_sprite_B.blend (1.0 MB)


Sorry to necro an old thread, but I’m looking for some help on this very issue. Zorro_Weaver, any chance you could help me get this working in current Blender without using deprecated attributes? Trying to get this working with the Fields, but not fully understanding everything happening here. Specifially I’m referring to the asteroid work you posted earlier in this thread here.


“Sorry to necro an old thread”

this thread has only been slowed for like a day

Sorry, very new here and figuring out the layout still. The thread I think is just confusing me a bit because it’s so long. The portion I was responding to was from May of 2021! Thanks!


Ha, some of us are still learning that part, too. Plus the new. Plus plus plus…
There are some gems in this thread. Truly long. Wish forums would “mine themselves” by making a “tips from the forums” sections that users can vote in.

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Hello, sledgeweb, and welcome to blenderartists!

In the legacy version of geometry nodes, it was hard to acquire an actual 3d mappable voronoi texture. For this reason, I was distributing points on a mesh and using proximity to place a crater at every point. While this is possible to do using fields, a more straightforward method is to do this entirely with displacement:

Here is the nodegroup:

If you look in the first image, I have three passes of displacement.
First of all, I use a simple noise texture to give the initial shape some variation. Secondly, I create craters, using a curve map to shape the ridge. Finally, I add some resolution and higher resolution noise to give it some details.

It’s not exactly like the previous one, but if you give it a more interesting source shape, (perhaps using a distorted cube from the group input) you can get better results.


is there a way to render object with motion blur with velocity data from geometry nodes velocity attribute? I remember there was a patch for cycles to use that attribute from alembic for motion blur.

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Hmm, not sure about that, but I have had good luck with motion blur on most geonodes derived motion.

Many situations we can take the last frame - this frame to the get velocity

Is there a way to have both a texture across all instances and per instance?

Instances realised:

Instances not realised:

Finished the curve-sweeper finally and put it up for free on gumroad…

Update: Works again in Blender 3.2 alpha with recent daily update. :raised_hands:

Old News, no longer true

… unfortunately doesn’t work for 3.2 (so for most people in this thread). The following setup recently started crashing Blender 3.2 but works in 3.0 and 3.1:

(i.e. Spline Context Capture of anything before a Subdivide Curve)
The disconnect cyclic curves node group relies on something like this, so that’s why it doesn’t currently work in 3.2 :face_exhaling:

Feel free to post feedback to the above thread.


Capture the instanced object’s position before you instance it, and then output that to the material, like so:

Good luck.


Works on 3.0.1! Thanks a bunch!

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8 posts were split to a new topic: Geometry Nodes subforum

I’m breaking my head over the next thing I’m trying to do. What would be the best way to get a texture on this procedural brick wall…

Edit: I’ve got it! You need to transfer the uvmap attribute of the plane to the wall geonodes output and use that attribute in the shader.

@bartv Could this be a thing? Its own category under support?


I followed one of entagma’s tutorials to scale objects by an empty. How can I modify this for the empty to act like an imaginary plane instead of a spherical trigger?

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