I will try this out. Thank you!
Capture attribute should do the trick
This did the trick. Thank you!
Is there a way to delay the instances scaling back up after they are triggered by the empty? Ideally by x frames, though any method making this possible would be great.
I didn’t annotate or clean it up much, but I’m not sure when I’ll get to that, so I decided to post it now:
impression_points.blend (936.3 KB)
I did improve the scene quite a bit though. The colors and density are smoother looking, and they are easily tweakable.
Hope you find it interesting!
I’ve moved the discussion about a subforum to it’s own thread here:
Please continue that discussion there.
Coming soon!
Edit: It’s out now
That certainly looks advanced. Nifty demo.
Is there a way to access the rotation of an instance?
Sorry, I didn’t mean “change an instance’s rotation,” I meant “obtain the value that it’s already rotated to.” As in: I want to transform the entire system so that an instance that is otherwise whirling around (its trajectory and orientation defined by the nodes) becomes fixed while everything else moves around it. To that end, here’s the way I just got working:
Replace Instances and Invert Instance’s Transforms.blend (132.1 KB)
Also attached is a node group to replace one instance with another (if you want to replace instances closer to the camera with a more-detailed model while preserving its transforms, was the intended use case.)
vertices rendering as volumes with solidify?
It’s volume to mesh but much more complicated
Hello! Anybody knows how to get the distance between two adjacent points sampled from a curve to points node? A linear distance approximation that wouldn’t take the curvature into account would work well enough for me. The thing that gets me stuck is how to get the next index position. With that solved, the distance node would do the trick.
Might this approach would work.
Field at Index node only in blender 3.1, in 3.0 you can use Transfer Attribute with Index mode to get same results
Awesome, thanks man!
Will you post here about it or where can we watch for more updates?
What gets me, is the dynamic hexagon surface…